The Promise...Part 15

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I open my eyes to a very bright florescent lamp, a beeping sound and that familiar hospital smell.

I'm in a hospital gown, tangan becucuk iv line and I'm alone in a hospital room!

Tiba2 sia teringat pasal tu kejadian. Sia mau bangun mau cek hp sia. Sia tdk tau berapa lama sdh sia sini. Dan sia teringat, Popi!

Oh my god. Sia pegang perut sia. Sia rasa mcm mau nangis. I need to ask somebody here. Is my Popi okay? Please let Popi be okay. Rhys belum tau pasal Popi lagi! Nangis terus sia.

Sia nampak tu button bell yg begantung di tepi sia terus sia tekan. Tidak lama masuk nurse.

"Syukurlah puan sedar sdh. Skejap sia panggil Dr. Charleston aaa puan. Dia sedang buat round skrng tp dia pesan kalau puan sedar terus call dia tu, nanti ada Doktor Vidya juga, dia yg on call today so dia akan masuk sekejap lagi lah mau cek keadaan puan" - Nurse

"Sorry nurse. Bulih sia tanya?" - Riley

"Ya puan?" - Nurse

"My baby...?" - Riley

Sia bulih nampak muka tu nurse berubah. Instantly sia rasa mau menangis. Popi...

"Oh itu nanti Dr. Vidya yg akan explain sama puan aaa puan..puan sabar aaa" - Nurse. Terus dia keluar ni.

Sia pandang tu siling. Air mata sia mengalir...

"Hi Ms. Riley. I'm Dr. Vidya and I'm the MO (medical officer) on call today. Let me check you for a quick second aaa..."- Dr. Vidya.

Sambil dia cek sia ambil kesempatan lagi mau tanya pasal my baby.

"Dr....Sorry... Can you please tell me Dr about my baby. Is my baby okay?"- Riley

"Oh about that. Two days ago (2 hari sdh sia pengsan?!) when Dr. Charles brought you in, you were bleeding, I believe from the trauma you had earlier. But fortunately the bleeding was not that bad, for now, baby is okay but since you are still in your early stage of pregnancy it's hard to tell. But what I can tell you to do is to have plenty of rest, to take all the supplements they give you and eat regularly. Your baby is very fiesty, he or she is determined to live! So you need to be strong for your baby okay Ms. Riley."- Dr. Vidya.

Thank you God....Thank you... Sia pegang terus perut sia. Kesian my Popi. Stay strong Popi. Mummy loves you.

Masa Dr. Vidya mau keluar daddy pula masuk. Durang becakap2 sekejap sambil daddy tingu2 sia terus Dr Vidya keluar. Sia jadi kecut perut. Mesti daddy pun sdh tau condition sia and he must be very disappointed in me.

"Good morning Riley" - Daddy

"Good morning Daddy. I was surprised when Dr. Vidya said I was out for almost 2 days. Sorry for worrying you Daddy" - Riley

Daddy pg pegang tangan sia.

"Jangan lah fikir yg bukan2. Yg penting ko... dan baby selamat. Why you didn't tell daddy. May I know who's the father? Are you not gonna let me meet him?" - Daddy. Sayu ni daddy cakap begitu.

"Sorry daddy. Sia pun actually baru juga tau pasal my pregnancy. His name is Rhys. I'm sure he would love to meet you too daddy. It's just that, he need to sort some things out dulu before kami urus pasal kami. I'm sorry daddy. You must be very disappointed in me kan? "-Riley

"No.. No... Why would you ever think like that. Tiada satu hari pun yg sia tdk bangga with you Riley. Having you as my daughter, nothing could ever top that. I'm sorry if I let you went through a hellish life with them. Sia pun tdk mau ada apa2 kaitan sdh sama durang. Tidak mau sudah. I really put up with all their cruelty believing yg one day they will change tp makin hari makin teruk ni. So no more. I'm sorry Riley... So sorry.."- Daddy

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