The Promise...Part 16

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It's been a week since sia balik from my hometown but I still heard nothing from Rhys.

Macam2 sdh dalam fikiran sia. Maybe he's mad because I got pregnant? Maybe he didn't want to have child with me? Atau worse, he's already married because his mom kasi cepat majlis kahwin Rhys and his fiancee....

But what about all his promises? What about his promise to make me his bride?

The thing about promises tho, it's meant to be broken and so is my heart... 😢

Sia tanya durang Kate and TJ pun sama, tiada Rhys contact durang lagi after yg last time tu.Sia sudah cerita semua sama my Entens. They were happy because at last, my (Step)Mummy and Nadine are out of my life for good which made me a whole lot happier person than before.

They were so surprised when I told them about Ian. Kate bilang, so I'm practically an heiress juga lah kan. Never in a million years I ever thought that I will be called an heiress, and it was never my intention to be one too. I'm very happy and content with what I have right now. I want to meet my birth mum but I don't want to be a nuisance in her life plus she have her own family sudah sekarang and I'm just her long lost daughter. That's all and nothing more.

Sia sudah ask daddy's permission to meet my birth mum. Daddy diam juga mula2 tp like he said before, dia anggap sia matured sudah untuk tau dan decides what's the best for my life.

On my 2nd antenatal check up, sia ada tanya Dr. Beatrice if it is safe for me to travel long hours on flight? Ian said it usually took about 22hrs from KL to NYC. Sia befikir, sanggup kah sia mau duduk dalam flight begitu lama? Dr. Beatrice cakap lepas dia cek, baby and I are fit to fly but she also advised me on the precautions I should take before considering traveling for long hours. Ian pun tau keadaan sia, dia tidak paksa sia juga. But I really want to do this, for myslef. I really want to meet her, my mum. I made Ian promised me not to tell mom about me being pregnant. Sia tdk mau bagi bad first impression pula. By the way, bukan sia mau lama juga di sana, asal tejumpa mum, cukuplah. Dia tdk akan notice juga tu. Ian respected my request. 

At work I applied for two weeks unpaid leave. I told my reason to Mdm Lara, she was so touched by my story that she just ask me to go settle everything, no need to take leave. Just come back to work whenever I'm ready. Sia rasa mcm mau peluk saja Mdm Lara tp I don't want her to look at me like I'm a freak or something pula 😅...

Seperti biasa, my Entens yang lebih sibuk mengurus itu ini untuk sia. Masa sia mau pg sana Ian said baru mau masuk Autumn so cuaca memang dingin sebelah pagi dan afternoon dan sejuk sebelah petang sampai malam, so Kate and TJ made sure I brought all the suitable clothes. Lebih2 lagi dengan keadaan sia, TJ made sure durang kasi packed sia baju yang selesa. Ian pula took care of all the documents like my visa. I know it's not easy to get this visa, mesti mau ada strong ties atau bond. Sebagai contoh adalah professional carrier, aset tetap, hubungan keluarga dan lain-lain. Sia tidak tau mcamana Ian urus tp he told me not to worry about it, yang penting sia ready saja mau fly Ian bilang.

It was Saturday morning masa sia mau fly. First pigi KL dan sebelah petang barulah flight KLU-NYC. Durang my Entens yg pg hantar sia. Ian will be flying with me juga, dia mau make sure sia sampai sana dengan selamat.

"Ten, make sure ko jaga diri ko sama baby Popi bagus2 sana aaa. Kalau ada apa2 masalah terus call kami tau. Mesti mau update kami selalu keadaan ko mcmana. Bukan dekat tu New York, but if we have to we will go there and bring you home!" - Kate

"Yes ten, jangan lupa number my cousin sister yg sia bg ko tu aaa. Dia di NYC juga tu di Manhattan tp tdk pasti pula exact address dia, tapi nanti sia text dia dan inform ko, at least dia paling dekat sama ko kalau ko ada apa2 masalah di sana, just stay with her sementara tunggu kami datang ambil ko or arrange for you to be back here"- TJ

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