Chapter 5 - The Party Pooper

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*Kaminari's POV*

It was morning and both Bakugou and Kirishima were still asleep. I got up and got prepared for school. I heard Bakugou groan, indicating he was awake, I went to him and kissed his head "good morning blasty~" he smiled and kissed my nose "good morning pikachu."

Little did I know that our 'good morning' was soon to be ruined.

A little while later Kirishima had woken up and we were all prepared for school, we headed down stairs as my mom had prepared us breakfast. We were all sat chatting away and laughing while eating pancakes, then he walked in. My so called father.

"I'm home~"

That was all I heard, he didn't know about my two boyfriends spending the night, panic over took all of my natural instincts, I heard him heading to the kitchen. I looked across at the table to see my mom had got my boyfriends out of the house through the back door, I sighed in relief.

"Where's my daughter."

I sighed again and got up, he immediately pushed me down, after realising I wasn't wearing the 'correct outfit'.

⚠⚠ Warning, abuse ahead, skip over the bold if you are uncomfortable or triggered by this ⚠⚠

"I have school sir, I have to go"

"You will leave when I say you can." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the basement and threw me against the wall, a loud crack echoing around the dark and damp room as my back hit the cold stone wall. 

"Ah!" I called out in pain, earning me a hard blow to the stomach by my so called father. His steal cap shoes repeatedly kicking my stomach, my arms were covering my head so not to damage it. He stopped. He never stopped.

I looked up.

He smirked and hit me around the head with a metal baseball bat causing me to spit out blood and groan in pain. "P-please stop" I begged and begged, but he didn't. He never did. Why would he?  He was entitled to do as he wished, he is my guardian after all.. but what did I do to deserve this life style? All because I was born male? 

An hour later, I arrived at school. Late as perusal, this earned a lecture and a break detention from Mr Aizawa. I sat in my seat and zoned out, staring at my work. How could I concentrate after that?

CLass ended as the day came to an end, Kirishima and Bakugou came over to me and held their arms open. I hesitated but ran straight into their arms and sobbed, I couldn't tell them what happened... No one could know, they'd pick on me, they'd make it worse!

"Can I stay at your house Suki..?" I said quietly through my sniffled and hicks, he nodded and held me close, I didn't want to let them go, I didn't want them to see what happens to me daily...


Hey guys! Sorry, today's chapter is a little upsetting, I hope I didn't trigger or offend anyone in anyway, that was not my intention!  See you all next week xx

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