Chapter 10 - The Parents

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When I heard the front door open my heart sank and I looked at my two boyfriends who hadn't noticed and were still packing.

They took the boxes outside and packed Katsuki's mom's car.

They still hadn't noticed my parents. I went downstairs and I didn't see my dad. He put a cloth over my mouth so I didn't alert the others. He threw me over his shoulder and took me to his car around the back. He threw me in the trunk and started driving.

After what felt like hours of driving the car stopped. The trunk flew open and men I never recognised dragged me out as my dad drove off.

I was abandoned.

They dragged me into a warehouse and chained me inside one of the rooms. I didn't even have my phone I left it on my bed... After a while someone entered the room carrying a box. I couldn't see who it was, hell I didn't want to know who it was or what was in that box!

*Bakugou's POV*

Me and Kirishima have been looking for hours, Kaminari was nowhere to be seen.

Kirishima was having a panic attack, the 5th on in the space of 3 hours, I was on the verge of breaking down but I couldn't. I had to stay strong. For both of them. I'm sure Kaminari is ok! He's strong. I kept assuring myself, did I believe it, I wanted to. God I really wanted to!

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