Meeting the boys.

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* I know is pretty fast, but well I have already 11 parts done. I'll continue postin them!! I hope you are enjoying it and if you have any suggestions just tell me! I'm all ears! Here you have chapter two!



It was already Wednesday, that week had passed so fast. Harry was in Germany with the boys.

I missed him, even thought I saw him on Monday before he went to take his flight. 

I guess I was falling for him, which was too fast, I thought. 

But just thinking about his green eyes, those perfect eyes; his curls, so perfectly falling in his face. The way his pants were so tight and always a little low. How his necklaces fell perfectly on his collar bones. Everything about him seemed so perfectly. He was so perfect that it seemed unreal. And what seemed more unreal was that I actually kissed his soft pink lips. And that I’ve held him in my arms. All was so perfect, maybe too perfect to be true, or even to last.

The next days went by so slowly, but Harry’s good morning texts made my day better. Through the day he called me and we chat for a few minutes, then he had to leave. But still, I was so happy to listen to his rough yet so calm voice. 

It was finally Friday, and he was back home that afternoon. I wanted to go meet him at the airport and just kiss and hug him. But nobody knew about us, if there was an ‘us’. 

I had the urge to call him to see if we could meet later that night. But I didn’t need to, just as I was thinking about that, I felt my phone vibrating in my purse, I took it out quickly and saw Harry’s name. I answered it and hear him say ‘Well that was quick’ he let out a little laugh. I couldn’t help but blush. ‘Hello to you too’ I said trying to ignore his comment.

‘What are you doing today, Em?’ he asked.

Em, I thought the way he said that sounded so perfect. I’ve never liked anyone to call me like that, but there was something in the way he said it that made me like it. I got lost in my thoughts for a few instants. 

‘Hello? You there? ‘he said confused. ‘Yes, yes. I’m sorry I got distracted for a second.’ I answered a little bit desperately. ‘It’s ok, so answer my question, then.’ He said impatiently.

‘I was planning to go to my place and just watch TV. Why?’ I was waiting anxiously for his answer.

‘I wanted to know… if you… wanted to… uhm…’ he seemed a little nervous.

‘To what? ‘I asked.

‘Well the boys and I were planning to go to... to watch some movies and do stupid things. Some friends are coming over. I was wondering if you wanted to come.’ He just let that out and I could tell that he was a little nervous.

‘Let me check my agenda.’ I said trying to get things a little less awkward.

‘Huh?’ he seemed confused. ‘I was kidding, just wanted to make you laugh, in what I failed.’ I said a little disappointed. ‘Well it seems that I’m free tonight, you lucky.’

‘Good thing to hear. So, I’ll pick you at your place around 6pm, is that ok?’ he asked happily.

‘It is perfect.’ 

‘See you soon then!’ he said.

‘See you soon. ‘I said as I smiled and hung up the phone.


Later, I got to my flat to get ready for the night; I wore some skinny jeans, vans and a shirt. I was ready waiting for him at the sofa listening to some music and suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door. It was him. I opened it and he was supporting himself with the arc of the door. He looked so perfectly with the grey sky behind him.

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