Chapter 10

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Bryan's POV:

They had led me and the animatronics to where we would be staying for the time being. They had some extra cabins that no one ever used. Molten, Lefty, and Rockstar Foxy were in one cabin, Happy Frog and Helpy were in the next, and last but not least. Me and Cory were in the last cabin. Cory held the door open for me and before I could enter our cabin I heard from behind me, "Why do you always hold the door open for him?" Happy Frog asked. I turned and saw the rest of the animatronics looking at us as well. The demi-gods had left and it was just us. "It's called manners, something you clearly don't understand," Cory said, turning back around to face me before hearing another sly remark. "And what do you know about manners?" Helpy asked, Cory turned and walked over to her, before kneeling down to get to her level despite still being taller than her. "Well, I know that you shouldn't steal another person's credit card and impersonate that person in order to use their money falsely. Which, may I add, is illegal." He said, loud enough for everyone to hear. He then stood up and walked over to me and opening the door for me.

I walked in and looked around the room. There were two beds and chests where we could store our stuff, as well as a window with some curtains that were silver. I sat down on one of the beds and waited for Cory to come inside the cabin. 

He came in not too long after I had sat down.

Helpy's POV:

"Well, I know that you shouldn't steal another person's credit card and impersonate that person in order to use their money falsely. Which, may I add, is illegal." Cory said, before standing up and walking over to Bryan, holding the door open for him again. What is it with his guy and treating Bryan like he's royalty? He'd never be anything like that, the most he'd be is one of those beggars on the side of the road.

After Bryan went inside he closed the door and turned back to face us. "I'm also not a fake friend who talks about others behind their back." He said, before turning and going inside the cabin with Bryan. Rockstar Foxy started talking, "How does he know about that? He wasn't there when we were-" "YOU DID WHAT!?" Lefty yelled, causing me to lose my balance. I've never seen Lefty so mad, I don't think any of us have seen him this mad! "How could you do that? Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Lefty shouted the rest of terrified, even Molten. "So what? He deserves it anyway! He never does anything, he never does his job." Happy Frog said, standing back up and crossing her arms. 

I honestly didn't know what to say, usually, I would've been arguing against Lefty or whoever tried to defend him, which wasn't many people or animatronics, but this time I didn't know what to say for once. 

Lefty's POV:

I was so angry at them I could tear their heads off! How could they treat Bryan like that! He does more than they know and yet they ridicule him like he does nothing. "He does more to take of you than you do yourself!" I shouted back at Happy Frog, as she kept firing back at me with the same argument. "DO YOU NOT GET IT!? NONE OF US WOULD BE IN THE GOOD SHAPE THAT WE'RE IN RIGHT NOW WITHOUT BRYAN! WE WOULDN'T HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE IF IT WASN'T FOR BRYAN! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY WE ARE TREATED LIKE PEOPLE! NOT ROBOTS, NOT DOGS, PEOPLE!" I shouted back at Happy Frog. Which finally got her to shut up. "Come on Molten let's go charge for the night. Let these ba**ards think about what they've done." I said, walking into the cabin with Molten following behind me.

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