𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙸𝚜 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐

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They all frantically, ran back to their apartment, Yunho laid out all the books and got out a few notes. "Yena, did you notice something strange about San?" Yunho asked with big curious eyes. "His eyes were flickering, he said that he was coming" a few of them frowned, Yunho went back to a book and flipped through the pages until he found the right one. "Aha! So San is either controlled by Wooyoung or San has a second persona"
"How do we save him?"
"We go to Onda. She writes these types of books. Maybe she can help you again?" Yumho suggested. "When are we going?"
"On the weekend. You need to finish your lessons" Yeosang scold.

"Yah what if Onda hates us" Yena anxiously asked. "I dont think she does. But let's just see what happens" Yunho whispered. Hongjoong knocked on the door. After a few seconds the door opened and Onda appeared, in her granny form. "Oh. It's you all" She looked around before letting them inside and transforming back to her younger form.

She served us cookies and coffee. "What brings you all here" she suspiciously asked. "Onda, it's about the curse. The one our friend is under" Yunho gave her the piece of paper. Onda skimmed over the paper. "You have to kill or destroy the magical element that holds your friend" She put down the paper and went into a room with potions.
She ran back with a bottle with glowing turquoise water. "You must capture your friend and make them drink this and make the curser drink this" Onda then put a purple bottle beside the turquoise one. "What happens then?" Yena asks.
"The curse will be lifted and there are some good surprises!" She smiled cheerfully. "Thank you so much!" Yena hugged Onda, the witch was taken aback but she smiled at the warm gesture. "Oh and if you see Mia, give her a good whooping for me!" Onda pulled away and giggled.


"So what did you see?" Wooyoung questioned the trio. "Kang Yena and Kang Yeosang are back in Korea" Mingi robotically said. Wooyoung nodded his head. He was about to hatch his plan. "Mingi, come with me, Choi San collect some humans and Mia, get me Yena's files" Mingi followed Wooyoung into a room, in a corner there was a pool, inside it was Jaemin's, Mia's and Mingi's souls, endlessly floating around, along with other souls. "Pass me the arrow" Mingi handed the shorter boy the golden arrow. Wooyoung then picked Jaemin's soul and merged him together with the arrow.

The black patterns on the arrow soon glowed orange and Wooyoung stabbed his heart with it, the boy screamed in pain.The arrow soon then went inside his body, no blood was seen nor a wound. His black hair then turned into a purple white and his eyes gleamed a bright crimson. "They will all soon pay. Call Onda and EU and if they don't pick up, dont hesitate to kill them" Wooyoungs eyes were a fiery blaze. A orange hue outlined his eyes and his purple hair shone in the moonlight.

-A few more chapters will finish our story-

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