Meet The Author

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Hello there im Luna im a beginner at writing and im still learning how ti become an even better drawer I hope you follow me on my journey of becoming a better drawer and writer.
But as a warning if I catch anyone using my characters in the following chapter after this you will be in trouble it is copyright and I find out anyone Redesigning or Redrawing or even ReCreating of my characters will get introuble these characters of minr have taken me a long time to create or there the characters I made when I was younger and redid them because there mine so please please pleaseeee dont use my characters without my permission if you want to use them ask my permission dont go lying that you did to other people because it isnt right to lie but yeah please follow me on the following social media sites

Tumblr: LunaTheWolfLovesBlue
Facebook: LunaTheWolf WolfPack
Youtube: LunaTheWolfLovesBlue

Games that I play:
Blockman Go: LunaTheDireWolf

So far that's the only game I play for right now I hope you enjoy this serie of mine ill be making a writing version of this and my comic version that im already doing I do hope you enjoy it and please don't record it without my permission I dont mind if you use it just dont use my charcaters and my comic and writing for profit or use it to get subscribers please don't its not right whatsoever to use other peoples work to get things for yourself if your gonna record my serie you can only record it for 15 seconds or do a little video of some parts to support me other than that please don't use it without my permission sorry for using "Without my permission " ten thousand times " 😅😂 Yeah im very strict on this because ive been working and thinking of my characters since I was in the 6th and to now the 9th grade about the go to 10th grade so a long time but yeah I hope you enjoyed this please give it a vote follow me on those social media sites I hope you all have an fantastic day thank you so much again BYE!

Much Love From -

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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