Story update

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A/N: I feel like I have not updated this story long enough to warrant an explanation on my end. The story like all of my stories get to the point where I am basically out of ideas and it gets to a point where to a reader who does not check my other stories will not see the certain pattern I tend to have. This is the reason why I do multiple stories in this kind of event. You can say I am in the process of ideas.

Some may glance at this and think that this is  discontinued when in actuality it is not. Put it simply even though I may not have an end in mind I will try to not have this happen but in an unfortunate event that it happens.

In what I recently said in one comment that I better have a good reason if this were to occur as I myself hate when this happens. Though I can say that you all know that thing happen in life. Well the rant is over.

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