the smaller boy jumped around in his room until the asian released
He's coming room is a mess fuckkk. also I look like shit.
the smaller boy always doubtful when it came to mattia. you see kairi likes mattia. well actually he's in love with him.
you see kairi's gay.but none of his friends know that.he literally wore an overall skirt. and they didn't notice.
but back to my self.i need to clean my self and this room.
hmmm what should I do first my room or me?
ehh my room since I'am ugly anyways
Kairi went downstairs to grab a trash can. that's when he saw his mom.
k/m-Yā, hanī Nanishiteruno k-cleaning momma k/m-who's coming over k-wait-how you know? the small boy astonished by how his mother knew. K/m-I raised you for 16 years I think I would know you.also because you clean when mattia. Kairi mom smirked with the last words. k-I- well his mom finally let him and I can't wait. K/m-about that mayia has a performance we'll be out for the week. k-oh okay momma kairi was kinda happy he was gonna have the house to himself. k/m-so no party's know how I feel that.also if you have your friends please don't make a mess k-k mama I will The boy rolled his eyes. k/m-okay well hurry up so you can impress your boyfriend. really mom kairi I said running back to his room.
I shut it. kairi POV
okay so how do I wanna organized it.
so since I figured kai is aesthetic then am going to make him soft with artsy and a little bit of baddie.
with that kairi got started.he took off everything off his bed.clothes,teddy bears,comforter,blankets you name it.he then grabbed a basket and put all of that in it.kairi needed music to clean.your sick if you don't hear music while you clean.Period
alexa play all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish Playing now *Time skipped because I suck at explaining* but here's some inspo
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I just see kairi as that aesthetic *
12:43 am kairi was finally done with his room.
now for my self. Well since am there.ill take a shower.kai grabbed some clothes and headed to his shower.since he had a sister he had to share a bathroom with her.
Name of the devil here she comes "kairi wyd"The bored girl came outta her room clearly about to annoy her brother. "am going to Pamper myself"he said heading to the bathroom "oh-when your done can I hangout with you"the girl asked. "I-umm sure shorty"kairi short smiled "HEY don't call me that"she said heading to her room time skip by my short self kairi came out fresh and clean.also free form pours and acne.stan Kai cute face.
kairi headed to his room. mayia pov I heard kairi get out of his room. "Kairi!"I yelled "What mayia"he sounded sleepy "you said we could hang for a while"I whined "ugh fine but just for a little bit" yay.i started to open his room "I-wow"I was amazed kairi room looked doped af "bruh your room looks dope Kai"I say still amused "come in"he said laughing I closed the door and when to his bed "so what do you wanna do short" "ugh I don't tiktoks or sum" "hmm okay but we'll paint after the tiktoks okay" "okay"I smiled