Chapter 8!

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    I woke up to the sunlight in my room. I leaned into my warm pillow. It was kinda big. Bigger than I remember.

   That's when I opened my eyes and realized I was next to Noah! It wasn't my pillow. Of course this only happens to me.

    I tried to get up but his arms wrapped around me and pulled me back into him. "Stay," he demanded. I did. I laid there with him and went back to sleep.

    I woke up 2 hours later because I smelt food. Noah wasn't in my bed anymore. Sadly. What, no! I can't think that. It is not sad.

    I quickly took a shower and got ready for the day. I wore light blue ripped jeans that made my curves pop. I wore a P!ATD black T-Shirt.

   I forgot where I got the T-Shirt, but it doesn't matter. (Btw P!ATD is a really good music group)

   I went downstairs to see Noah cooking. "You hungry?" " YESS I AM!" He smiled. He cooked pancakes. He sat them on a plate and me and him started eating.

   "You were very cozy this morning," he said with a smirk. He knows how to ruin a mood. "I was just tired," I replied. It was a lie, but how would he know if i was lying or not. He just smirked. "Sure you were." We got done eating and I decided to do the dishes since he cooked for me.

   My brother was no where to be seen. He must still be out. I looked and there was a sticky note on the fridge that read: I am going away for a week or 2. Leave Noah alone. Do not annoy him.  I rolled my eyes. Great alone with Noah for ANOTHER two WEEKS.

   As I was doing the dishes Noah came up behind me and was reaching over me to get something out of the cabinet. Due to how close he was I froze up. He pushed into me more. Jerk. He did that on purpose. I acted like it didn't affect me.

    Then he spun me around and pinned me in place. "Wh- Wha- What are you doing," I hopelessly stuttered out. "Do I make you nervous baby?" He said slowly and husky. That was very hot.

   I didn't look him in the eye and he took that as a yes. He leaned closer to where his lips were millimeters away from mine. He moved them down to my neck and started kissing and sucking. I was so turned on. I couldn't  tell him that though.

  I bit my lip to hold in any moans that threatened to escape. Then he went to my sensitive spot and I let out a breathless moan. He smirked. Great, he found my spot. I started moaning a little louder as he was paying close attention to that spot. I moved my neck to give him more access as he picked me up and carried me to the couch. He got on top of me and kept kissing my neck and he started to rub me.

    He started taking off my shirt and me being so eager I started taking off his too. He unzipped my pants and I let him slide them off.


   A knock on the front door made us freeze. I quickly sat up and he cursed under his breathe. I quickly got dressed again and answered the door.

   Reagan, my bestfriend walked inside and said," Where have you been bitch!" "I have called you like 80 times!" She said very loudly. "One, calm your tits, Two, I was busy and woke up like 10min ago," I replied easily.

   She then notices Noah sitting down at the table. "Why is he here?" She whispered but he heard her. She isn't the quietest friend. But I love her. He chuckled. I looked at her and said that he was staying with us for a couple of weeks.

   She just looked at me confused and said, "Whatever, we are going to the club so let's get ready." Wtf it is literally Sunday. We have college tomorrow.

   I shrugged. "Fine," I said.

- 3 hours later -

   After Reagan and I got ready it was about 8pm. Club opened soon so we planned to leave soon. I told Noah and he just nodded. Reagan suggested we take my black Tessla.

  As I was driving Reagan talked to me about the past 2 days since I last seen her at school. I told her about mine. Also including Noah and everything. "AWWW I SHIP!" she squealed. "No," I said trying to give her a serious look. She rolled her eyes.

  "Koah!" she yelled. "What?" "You and Noah's ship name duh!" I laughed and rolled my eyes. Whatever.

   We arrived and headed inside. Loud music and sweaty bodies everywhere. People grinding on eachother in the corner. Reagan dragged me to the bar. "2 Vodkas," she stated to the bar tender. "I don't want Vodka, I want a Taquila," I said. "Who said I was getting you a Vodka," she laughed. Oh, the were both for her.

    We got our drinks and quickly drank them. We ordered more rounds before she suggested we go dance. I agreed.

    As I was heading to the dance floor I bumped into someone. He had ocean blue eyes. "Excuse me miss, I am sorry," the stranger said. "No! it's my fault my bad!" I quickly said. He chuckled.

    He was very good looking. He was Noah's height. He had cool blue eyes that I got lost in. He had dark brown hair. He was masculine but not too masculine. My guy. My type.

    "Would you care to dance?" he asked and stuck out his hand. I nodded and grabbed his hand. He led me to the dance floor.

      I was kinda tipsy not gonna lie, but he looked like he hadn't had anything yet. He made me feel safe and warm. "Your name?" he asked. "Katherine," I replied. "Very pretty name for a very pretty lady," he smiled. "My name is Jackson, Jackson Woods." "I like that," I smiled.

      We danced and it soon ended to me grinding on him. Just then something strange happened. It caught me off guard, but I couldn't understand until it was too late.

HI GUYS I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER! I am very proud of it myself. I will be updating a lot more so make sure you watch for that! Please vote, comment, and like. Everything counts! Thank you all! Enjoy!
- your fellow writer breaunna

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