Commitment Phobic

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Okay, so that's the reason why I am commitment phobia. Having chiron in 8th house reminds me again of my heartbreak.

Because on early age, I have lost 2 imporant love of my life which was my Dad and my babies (dogs)

Since then I dont want to commit to anything I got tired of it.

My heart was broken until now they are still into pieces and I don't wanna pick them up cause it still hurts so bad.

I am afraid that when I pick up those shattered pieces I will get hurt again and I hate it.

Pathetic. I know right.

But fuck yeah. My heart, my feelings.

I am done with that. 

I don't wanna go back to my miserable self. 

I still cry my eyes out when I think of it. 

When will I move on? I don't know.

But, I already accepted the fact that they are gone for good but my feeling and love still remains. Forever.

I can still feel them.

I am so attached to them and gonna hold on that feeling because it is the only thing that reminds me of them. 

My genuine love.

It also made me realize that everything you have right now will be gone soon and what will only left are memories that will fade away eventually and your feelings to them that will haunt you.

Nothing is permanent and all are just temporary.

She is AllisoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon