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<<As always song is inspo, enjoy!!💖💖>>

When the trio arrived home, the first thing Dream did was go to his room. They had spent a few more hours out, just driving around and stopping by random stores until it was dinnertime. As for dinner, they ate only the finest Bojangles fast food.

Dream speed-walked up the stairs, looking down at his feet to make sure that he didn't knock over anything.

Shutting the door behind him, Dream flopped backwards onto his bed.

As soon as he closed his eyes, images of George flashed through his mind.

George wearing his hoodie.

George pinned against the wall, his eyes big as he looked up into Dream's.

George laughing while flicking chips at Dream.

George sticking out his tongue at Dream over some stupid pun he made while eating a biscuit.

Dream groaned, opening his eyes again.

"What the hell," he muttered, staring up at his ceiling.

Light streamed in from his blinds, headlights from a car passing by creating stripes on his walls.

He rolled over, burying his face in the sheets.

Dream knew what was happening, he knew why his heart raced everytime George looked in his direction, why whenever their bodies brushed against each other it sent an electric shock through his soul.

Though Dream's memories of his best friend had been erased, his heart had stayed tracked on the brunet like a compass.

Dream loved it.

No, Dream hated it.


Dream didn't know what to think. This entire mess had started because of his feelings towards George.

Dream buried his face in his sheets, just wanting to sleep. He hesitantly got out of bed, trudging over to his dresser and putting on pajamas. Dream crawled back into bed, curling into the sheets.

Maybe if he went to sleep, these stupid feelings would dissappear?

Spoiler warning-

They didn't.

When he woke up, Dream was just as much in love with George as before he went to sleep.

The next few days went normally, the three friends spending their time playing video games or generally just enjoying each others company.

Every single day Dream woke up and every single day he was just as infatuated with George as the last.

Today started out like any other, who knew that it would end the way it did?

He squinted in the bright sunlight streaming in through his window, stretching underneath his covers. Dream sat up, feeling his blankets slide off of him.

After getting dressed, Dream sleepily made his way down the stairs and into the living room. The scene was more or less the same as the day before, with Sapnap in the kitchen and George on the couch.

Dream made his way over to George, plopping down onto the beige leather sofa beside him. He pulled a fluffy pillow close to himself, yawning for what felt like the millionth time this morning. hugging it to his chest.

Yawning again, Dream looked up at the TV.

George had been watching the news, some story about a new type of vr that's supposedly "fully immersive". That could be a cool video idea, " Minecraft but it's real life". The title could use some work, but oh well.

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