Chapter Twenty Five

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The boys were finishing their meet and greet before the show while Stella rehearsed her set. Stella wanted to change up some choreography even though they were reaching their final shows.

"5, 6, 7, 8." The choreographer counted in time with the music while Stella bounced into her moves. Her song played on the speakers as she moved around on stage. Stella was excited as she landed the final moves, cheering for herself as the choreographer smiled with her. "You got it!" she cheered.

"Let's run through it again and then we can take a break." Stella finds herself walking back to her starting position.

Stella ran through the dance a few more times before she headed for a shower. As Stella walked towards the bathrooms, she heard the boys screaming together playing a game. Stella peered into the room, biting her lip as she saw Richard with his shirt off laughing with the boys. An idea popped into Stella's head, she pulled her phone out, sending a text to Richard.

'Meet me in the showers'

She saw Richard look down at his phone and smile. "I'll be back." he commented to the boys before he stood up. Stella rushed to the bathroom, waiting for Richard. He slowly walked in, looking around to make sure no one was in there. "Stella?" he whispered. Stella peaked out from behind the shower curtain. "What's up Shawty?"

Stella walked over, putting her hands on Richard's chest, "I just thought we could have some fun." she smirks, standing on her tippy toes to kiss him.

"Really? You wanna have Now?" Richard questions, surprised.

"Yeah, why not?" she giggles.

"Have you been drinking?" he jokingly asks.

"Come on. I have to shower so I thought we could." Richard smirks picking her up, he wraps her legs around his waist and kisses her. Immediately, her hands find their way around his neck. Richard pushes her against a wall to support her, and his hands guide their way around her body. Richard pulls away from their kiss biting her bottom lip roughly.

Richard and Stella stare at each other smiling and giggling until they hear the bathroom door open. "You didn't lock it?" Stella whisper-shouts.

Just as Stella jumps off Richard and intends to hide behind the shower curtain, they hear Chris' voice. "What. The. Fuck?" Stella and Richard look at each other both afraid to turn their gaze but in sync they look over to see Chris. His jaw dropped and fury on his face. "Get the fuck away from sister!" he demands. His voice dropping an octave as the anger boils over.

"Chris calm down." Stella soothes as she moves closer to her brother.

"CALM DOWN?" He screams, taking an aggressive step towards his sister.

Stella knows he won't hurt her but she recoils slightly.

"Hey." Richard frowns while he steps between them, "don't scream at her." he warns.

"Richard, stay away from me. I'm trying my best not to hurt you." he growls.

Tears well up in Stella's eyes as she sees the hurt her brother is feeling. "Chris, we can explain."

"Explain what? How long have the two of you been fucking for? The tour? Longer than that? None of this makes sense! A few weeks ago I had to hold you back from hitting him!" He is screaming so much, Stella is concerned he might lose his voice.

Erick walks into the bathroom, "What's happening?" he looks in with concern.

"These two have been fucking!" Chris spits out throwing his hand up gesturing to Richard and Stella. Erick looks down afraid to admit he was aware, "You knew? Do all the boys know? Is it just me?" Chris storms out of the bathroom.

Richard, Stella and Erick all look at each other before Erick growls out, "I warned you! You had to be careful."

"I'm so sorry." Stella squeaks out a tear escaping.

Erick walks out, calling out Chris' name.

"Are you okay?" Richard asks, walking to her side, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"No." she sobs as she walks away from Richard. Stella cries as she rushes around the venue trying to find Chris, she quickly finds him with Zabdiel, Joel and Erick. "Chris can we please talk?" Stella manages to speak through her sobs.

"Oh so now you want to communicate?" bites back.

"Chris." Zabdiel places a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

Chris takes a deep breath. "I can't talk to you right now." his voice is softer but Stella can feel his anger lingering in the atmosphere. Richard steps into the room and Chris' eyes harden instantly. Stella knew that Chris would be more angry at Richard than at her. She couldn't handle that all of this was partially her fault. "Chris, I just need to tell you," Stella feels Richard next to her, it almost makes her angry. She wants Richard to understand that just because Chris knows, it doesn't mean they can act like a normal couple. Not in this very moment at least. Stella moves away slightly, "I need you to know that Richard and I we aren't just-"

"I can't!" Chris interrupts. "Not right now."

"She's just trying to explain that we aren't just fucking. That we care about each other!" Richard is frustrated. Everyone can see it.

"I DON'T CARE!" Chris stands, his posture rigid and his voice has become coarse with all the screaming.

"Papi, your voice." Erick calms him.

"We have to be on stage in an hour. Don't ruin your voice." Zabdiel stands in front of him.

"Richard, why don't you and I go to the other green room. We can hang out there while we wait for the show to start." Joel walks over, placing an arm on Richard's shoulder.

"Before you go," Zabdiel walks over slightly so he is exactly in the middle of both boys, "whatever is going on right now. As soon as we walk out on that stage, you get over it! You can fight like hell when we are off stage but as soon as it involves CNCO, you're over it! Do you understand?" he turns to Richard. Richard nods his head and Zabdiel turns to Chris. "Chris?" Chris sighs then looks at Erick, Joel and back to Zabdiel. He knows for their sake, he has to agree.

"Yeah, okay."

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