Chapter 1

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I finished taking one last coat of mascara on my eyelashes, before we were heading out to pick up dad. I have to admit it, I'm excited to see him. But the fact that I have only seen him once in 6 months, makes me kind of anxious. What will he think of me? What will he think of my style? Is he going to think that I'm ugly? He better not, he is my dad after all. "Are you excited?" Liz asked. "Yea" I answered. It was true, I was

When we finally arrived at the airport, it was so crowded that I thought I might get a anxiety attack. Yep, anxiety, another thing he doesn't know about me. When they finally announced that their flight had landed, I sat down and thought for myself, what the heck am I gonna do? He doesn't know anything about me anymore. It's gonna be hard for the both of us. But hopefully he won't get tired of me. What am I even thinking? He's my dad, he shouldn't get tired of me, right?
After about fifteen minutes I saw a coloured head in the crowd of people, yes believe it or not but uncle Mikey still dyes his hair, he's not even bald yet. His smile became 10 times bigger when he saw his mom. He went and hugged her, after turning to his dad. After that he came to Liz and I. He hugged Liz first. Then he came over to me. We hugged for a long time. When we finally stopped he said "Missed you bug" "Missed you to uncle Mikey". He smiled down at me, looking at my hair and clothes. "Nice hair" he commented. I just smiled at his comment. "Learned from the best" I answered.
Right after this I saw a tall guy walking up behind Michael. When I finally recognized him, I saw that it was uncle Calum! He came to me and picked me up while hugging me. "Missed you so much kiddo" "Missed you more". "You've grown" "Thank you?" It came out more of a question. I hated when people said that I've grown, it makes me feel fat. But, I had to be polite.
A curly haired man walked up behind Michael and Calum. I recognized who it was immediately, uncle Ash. Uncle Ash smiled to me and hugged me tight. And by tight I mean he squeezed the living hell out of me. "Maddi Hemmings, the one and only" "Ashton Irwin, the one and only" we both smiled. Gosh, I guess I really missed them after all.
Last but definitely not least, I saw a tall man walk up with a black suitcase heading to our direction. I couldn't help but smile. He came and hugged Liz first. And then came over to me and hugged me harder than Ashton did, if that's even possible. He had to kinda crouch down since I was so short and he was so tall. "I missed you so much babygirl" he mumbled in my neck still hugging tight. "I missed you to dad, I really did."

A/N: Chapter one is up! What do you guys think? Hope you enjoy the story so far :)

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