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He jumps up from his chair hearing his name, he's use to it now since she has been doing all night, even after being pump full of a lot drugs. She has this fear of waking up back in the house of horrors, full of darkness where she would  suffocate and die.

"Baby, I'm here remember I told you I'm not going anywhere."

"Ya, I'm sorry...."

"What did I say about you apologizing?"

"To stop. Okay, just for tonight can you please just lay with me?"

"Baby I'm not sure your nurse is going to be okay with that."

"All I know is they keep shooting me up with stuff to calm me down but they know it can't be any thing to crazy because of the baby. So if it's rest they want I will only get that with you where I feel safe."

"What my Rose want my Rose gets."

So Christian gets into bed with his wife, holding her as she lays her head on his chest.

"Where did everyone go? I don't won't anyone here sleeping in chairs that has to be horribly uncomfortable."

Christian couldn't help but laugh, "You mean like me?"

"Yes, but that's a given your not allowed to leave my side ever."

"I don't want to. The answer to your question is that they are at a hotel also getting extra rooms for everyone else."

"Their all really coming? How? I don't want to be the reason for people to put their lives on hold."

"No one's life is on hold, I have a Vice President who is handling everything, and so does Elliott. The only others that are coming like Paul his brother hired a new responsible manager and Jose moved all his clients to future dates everyone just missed you and want to see you."

Putting his hand on her belly, "We're stuck here for at least a month to make sure this little guy is okay."

"Christian, before I go to sleep, finish telling me about your drunken night with Leila. Did you sleep her?"

"No, I didn't sleep with her. Once I realized I wasn't hallucinating, she did sit down and we talked. After claiming that she was following me, she actually put me in my place. Letting me know she was there with her husband and once I looked down seen she was much eight months pregnant."

"She's pregnant?"

"Well I'm guessing she gave birth by now. Any way we all sat talked, and she told me how she understood were I was coming from. She was just as scared as I was when she found out she was expecting. She thought her kid would come out like her or she would just suck at being a mother. So without letting her husband know she went to get rid of him or her."

Ana gasp, "Really, oh my gosh!"

"Baby, you do know that since she was still with child at the restaurant, the abortion didn't happen."

"Whatever smart ass."

"I love how I'm slowly getting my Rose back.... Her husband Dan took a guess knowing how she thought she was going to be a horrible mother and thanks to the GPS he put on her phone got there just in time to stop her. She learned he was scared about being a horrible dad too and just because he had great parents doesn't mean he to will be a great dad. They will make mistakes, all parents do but together they would be okay. I never took in what you told me and said Ana might be scared to, I should've cool down like you told me and then we should've talked."

"Ya, I was scared out of my mind, as you can see I didn't have the greatest example of how a mother is suppose to be."

"We also talked about when she found out about Elena death and felt that it was to good for her. Leila told me she was happy with her husband and while she was at work one morning Elena popped up at her job...."

Ana wanted to say something but kept quiet to hear the whole story, but felt that Elena love fucking up people lives.

"Elena who knew Leila was on medication and also happily married showed up at her job, claiming it must have been a coincidence to just so happen to walk into her store. Leila's husband is a private lawyer knows my dad something I didn't know but I digress he brought his wife the store as a wedding gift, so she thought some of her items were high price so didn't think much of it. After she close for the night Dan was picking her up for dinner with his parents to tell them she was pregnant...."

"Oh my God! She was already pregnant?"

"Yup, Dan said when he showed up the store alarm was set but the doors were not locked. He started to panic, called the police was told he had to wait a whole 48 hours, but they will look out because she is pregnant."

"The police stuck ass sometimes with their stupid rules."

"Leila said she woke up in Elena's salon, and once she realized she had been taken she tried telling Elena that she needed her medicine and that she pregnant. Whenever Leila would open her mouth too say something she would receive a slap so before any harm came to her stomach she stayed quiet. She said after 4 days she begin to hear voices in her head, telling her she had a mission to do and that was to help me to get away from you. Elena didn't truly understand the dangers of stopping a person medicine without the help of a doctor, Leila went further off the rails causing Elena to lose all control. Mean while her husband is going out of his mind looking for his wife...."

"I'm going to take a lucky guess and say Elena has something to do with her husband, or any one for that matter knowing Leila was actually a missing person."

"And you would be right, Dan and my dad are looking into who in the police department had something to with that."

"Oh my gosh, Leila is just as much of a victim as we all are. I mean she off living her life until that shitty bitch came along fucking up her life. Her baby is so bless because like I told you even though she was attractive she look like she hadn't eaten in awhile."

"They drove me home that night, Dan told me maybe it would be best to sleep in a guest room and sober up and just be prepared to kiss a lot ass the following day. When I woke up that was what I was preparing myself for, making up with my wife."

"Then I throw protocol in the garbage and this nightmare begins."

"Baby, all this was already in the making we did nothing wrong except have our first major fight in the middle of being hunted down by a couple serial killers."

"Wow, this would make a great book." She says before giggling.

"You should really write it once we settle down. So how about we get some rest because tomorrow we do have a family reunion, and the FBI to deal with but most important I get to meet my son for the first time."

"Good idea, I love you Chrissy."

"I love you more Rose."



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