"because i love you"

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I shook out my nerves as I waited to skate onto the ice. Connie stood next to me and shot me a tight smile. 

The game against the Varsity was about to begin and I debated weather this was the most important game I had ever played. More important than the victory against the Hawks and more important than every victory at the Good Will games. 

I knew the answer. For me, it was.

I got to the door, separating floor and ice, and looked up at Charlie. He nodded at me and quietly said, "This is for Hans."

I nodded back and skated out onto the ice. As my team followed, cheers erupted from the stands. I began to move in a circle around the ice, softly touching it with my glove. My teammates did the same and we paid tribute to Hans. 

After a few laps, we all separated, doing various warmups before being summoned to the bench by Coach Orion. 

"All right, lets go hunting for goose eggs, huh? Hands in."

We all piled our hands on top of one another's.

"On three, quack."

I smiled in surprise at Coach Orion letting us do our old cheer.

"One, two, three."

"Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack..."

The people in the stands began to join in and I cheered louder.

"Go Ducks!" Our hands flew apart and we were ready for this game. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I also knew we could do it.

I was starting center and skated to position. Adam was at the puck drop, across from Rick.

"You're gonna wish like hell you stuck with us." He taunted Adam and I glared, even though he wouldn't see me.

"Save the trash talk." Adam fired back, and the two crouched, tensing up for the drop.

"Alright boys lets go. Sticks on the ice." I heard the ref mumble before the puck was dropped in between them. 

Rick shoved Adam and took the puck. I was ready and followed him closely. No way was he getting a point on my watch. He was able to get a shot but Julie let it bounce off her chest and towards me. 

I cradled it for a split second, trying to find a passable player, but I was quickly pushed to the ground. I watched as the puck was taken towards the goal, where Adam stood to stop it. The goal quickly became jammed with both our players and Varsity.

"Get off of me!" I heard Julie yell and a ref blew his whistle to stop the play. Fulton tagged me and I skated towards the bench, flipping my legs over the side.

"Nice work out there Silverton. You'll be back out in a few plays." Orion slapped my back and stared back to the ice.

I took a seat next to Connie and we both shouted encouragement to Julie, who was doing an amazing job.

The Varsity was not letting up and was charging at every open opportunity. Julie looked exhausted and she wasn't the only one.

"Connie." Orion jerked his head toward the ice and Connie nodded, standing up.

I grabbed her arm, making her pause. "Kick some ass, okay?" 

She smiled and jumped onto the ice.

After one more play and no goals, I was back in the game.

I stayed close to Julie, playing tight defense. The Varsity had us all pinned up towards the goal.

"Clear it out!" Julie yelled and I reached for the puck, hitting it away, anytime it came close. Orion was shouting out praise from the bench, but I was too focused to appreciate it.

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