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I slowly began to advance towards the men. As I got closer I recognised the man who wasn't in black, it was Danny. I wanted to run up to him a give him a hug but then is cover would have been blown. Both men in black told us what we had to do.

"That man was dead before we got here and I want you to get the evidence we need to prove us innocent." One of them instructed us handing me my CSI silver case.

"Why would we want to do that after you just threatened a little girl who is trapped here without her mom a couple of weeks before Christmas Day. She should be celebrating and having fun not crying her eyes out in fear of never seeing her mom." I spat, disgusted with what he just said. I dropped my case and was about to walk away before one the men grabbed both my arms and forced me to look at Danny.

"Because otherwise, he will die." He whispered in the ear and then forced me to the ground.

"There was no need to do that!" Danny shouted.

"She had to learn a lesson, she was lucky I didn't hurt her again." The man argued at Danny who had a puzzled expression. "Get to work and you might live to see Christmas Day." He teased and left us to process the scene.

Danny quickly helped me to my feet and gave him a meaningful hug. Danny gently kissed the top of my head.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned looking at my head, seeing all the blood.

"I'm fine just a little dizzy," I answered honestly. I picked my case up and began to process the scene.

I took swabs of DNA from under the victim's fingernails, while Danny took photos of the crime scene. I looked in the victim's pocket the found ID, which said.

NAME James Evans Jones
DATE OF BIRTH 05/05/94

"He is only twenty Danny," I said sadly.

"He is so young, now what we have to do is catch his killer. Do you know what C.O.D ( Cause Of Death) is?" Danny asked still taking pictures.

"Gunshot wound upper torso and it's a through an through. But I can't find the bullet." I replied.

"Have a look for it and I will help you in a bit." I nodded in agreement and began to look for the bullet.

After ten minutes of intense searching, I found it, it was 308 usually in revolvers which are men in blacks' weapon of choice. I bagged the bullet and went to examine the body.

"Have you found anything?" I asked Danny, hoping he had.

"Nothin' the only thing is some black fibres, that do match are captors fabric. What about you?"

"The bullet was a 308 like are captors too. This isn't going how I hoped." I disappointed. "What are we going to do?" I asked nervously.

"I don't know," Danny said deep in thought.

"What have you two found then." One of our captors asked walking towards us. I bit my lip not knowing what to say or what to do.

Christmas Chills [CSI:NY]Where stories live. Discover now