The Call

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One of the two men in black forced me to my knees and held a gun to my head; while the another looked through my phone. Within a couple of minutes, the man held the phone to my ear. I heard it ring four times before someone picked up. I knew what I had to say.

"Taylor." The voice said sternly.

"M-Mac, it's Lindsay." I stuttered.

"Lindsay?" He said in disbelief. "Is that really you?"

"Y-yes, Mac is Danny w-with
you?" I asked nervously.

"Lindsay, where are you?" Mac asked avoiding my question.

"I'm in the mall, in a shop," I said quickly.

"How many people are there with you?" He asked calmly.

"Nine, I think. Mac is Danny with you?" I asked again.

"Yes, he is."

"Where are you, Mac?" I questioned trying to ignore the pain of the gun being rammed harder into the back of my head.

"Outside." He said sadly. "How many men are with you?"

"Two, there are two men with guns Mac. I am outnumbered. " I replied rapidly.

All of a sudden I had collapsed and I was lying on my side on the floor, with excruciating pain in the back of my head. I raised my hand to touch the area that was in pain. After I had touched it I looked at my hand covered in blood. I slowly sat up to hear what one of the two men were saying on the phone to Mac.

"That's enough time speaking to her, now isn't it." One of the two men said cruelly. "I want another CSI or detective in here pronto, then maybe I can start releasing some hostages."

While I was listening to this conversation, I noticed a body lying carelessly by the cash registers. But I then felt someone behind me dragging me back to here the other people were. They all looked some frightened. Luckily I could still hear the other man on the phone.

"Look, all I want is a CSI and two kits for us, that's all. Once I have that people will be released. But if I don't then you will have more bodies on your hands." He threatened. "Now that's what I like to here." The man said coldly. "I want the CSI here within five minutes."

Everyone sat in pure silence waiting for the men to come. I placed my arm around the little girl, in the hope of comforting her.

"Where is your mom?" I asked her.

She looked up at me with her crystal blue eyes that began to water.

"M-my momma gave me ten dollars for coming here so I could buy her present because I-I am a big girl." She answered trying to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug; the girl wrapped her arms around my neck and cried into my chest. I rubbed smooth circles on her back comforting her as Danny does to me.

"Shhhhh it's going to be okay, I promise, you are going to leave her alive,  and I will even help you out with your present for your mom. If you want I could give you twenty dollars so you can buy somethin' really special just for her." I said trying to brighten up her mood and to stop her from crying. But she continued to whimper into my chest.

Then the two men reappeared, still holding their guns but there was someone with them, a man.

"Shut her up!" One of the two men yelled at the poor girl in my arms.

"She is just scared!" I yelled back. "She is only a little girl!"

"Get up!" He another man yelled at my raising his gun. I instantly gave the small girl to a women and stood up. "We have got some work to do."

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