Chapter 1

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Izuku's quirks were strong. Everyone knew that. His first quirk was Omnilingualism which allowed him to understand any language instantly. This included body language which allowed him to dodge attacks with ease. His second quirk was Ki. It allowed him to do a lot of things from flying to shooting blasts, it was very flexible. Despite all of this, Izuku didn't actually want to be a hero. He still exercised as much as he could which gave him his godlike physique. People constantly tried to convince him to become a hero. He was strong enough to be Number one. Even Bakugo stated he could and despite all of that Izuku didn't want to become a hero. His first quirk was passive so he could use that anyway. His Ki quirk wasn't passive but he didn't really need to use it in day to day life. His physical strength was natural so he didn't need to use his Ki.

Izuku still trained his quirks. He trained his Ki until he is close to passing out and would read a lot of foreign books regardless of what they were about. People still tried to convince him to be a hero. People automatically assumed he'd want to be one because he was training his quirk, martial arts, and body. Izuku didn't know what he wanted to be but he knew he didn't want to be a hero. He didn't want the fame. If he were to go saving people he wouldn't want to be known.

Izuku was 15 when he bumped into All Might by accident. A slime monster tried to attack him but failed to do so because of Izuku's speed and predictions. "Why won't you stay still?!" The slime villain yelled in anger. "Don't want to," Izuku responds as he starts to slow down to be hit by the slime. The slime villain still couldn't hit him. "I'm not even using my quirk and you can't hit me? A shame," Izuku states as he dashes behind the villain and jumps above him sending an attack splattering him everywhere. "I am here!" All Might yells exiting the manhole. "Shut up. Someone could have been hurt if that villain escaped. For someone who is looked up to so much you sure are reckless," Izuku states as he hands All Might the bottle. "I'm being scolded by a teenager?" All Might thinks to himself. "Yes, you are being scolded by a teenager. Look... you can change to normal. I can tell you are in pain and the fact that you've only been active for 3 hours a day would mean something happened," Izuku states shocking All Might who transforms. "Have you got a telepathy quirk?" All Might asks.

"Nope, my quirk is Omnilingualism and Ki," Izuku states. "With such powerful quirks, I can tell you want to be a hero," All Might states. "Nope, don't want to be a hero. Might just become a chef. I kinda enjoy cooking. Don't get me wrong, heroes are still cool and I'm a big fan of a lot of them, you included," Izuku states shocking All Might. "Don't look so shocked. The hero life just isn't for me," Izuku states. "But you are so strong. It would benefit others," All Might states. "Why do people expect me to be a hero? Why do I have to be selfless just because I have a strong quirk? It just makes no sense to me," Izuku states as he sits against a wall. "Why are we expected to be heroes if we have a strong quirk? Where in the rules does it say that it's a requirement? All my life people have thought I'd be a hero but I don't want to be one... It's stressful honestly. I hate it," Izuku states as he scrolls through his phone. "Listen young..." All Might says. "Izuku Midoriya, call me Izuku," Izuku states. "Okay, young Izuku, I think that people want to feel like they can have peace when someone strong becomes a hero. I don't know how you feel because I've always wanted to be a hero but I support your decisions. Not everyone wants to be a hero," All Might states putting a hand on Izuku's shoulder. 

Izuku made his way home after the incident only to hear an explosion. Upon arrival, he could see Bakugo being captured by the slime. Looking around he could see the heroes do nothing. "This is why I hate a lot of heroes," Izuku thinks to himself. Seeing Bakugo's scared face made Izuku snap. "Listen here you slime fuck! I swear to god if you don't let go of him I'll kill you," Izuku states. Each step made a small crater. This scared the slime villain to the point of releasing the kid and dashing towards the heroes for safety. "There we go, I'm off now," Izuku states walking away. Nothing had changed, he still didn't want to be a hero. 

Izuku had heard the news of his friend getting in and congratulated him only to be told off for not doing the exam as well. Izuku didn't care. He doesn't want to be a hero, he never did. "Why do people always have high expectations for me? I don't want to be a hero and that's that," Izuku states as he walks away from his friend's house. Upon arriving at his house he could see a bear, mouse thing. He knew it was UA's principle. 

"Izuku Midoriya. I have been waiting for you," Nezu states. "Okay, let's just skip to why you are here," Izuku responds. "I'm here because All Might had mentioned you and how your quirk. I feel as though it's a shame that you are wasting your strength," Nezu states honestly. "Okay. Then it would be good for me to state the same about your quirk. I believe being the principle of a hero school, isn't using your quirk to its best capabilities. You could have gone into researching diseases and create new antidotes for poisons that we can't get rid of but you chose to be a principle," Izuku responds not changing. "Well, being in control of the future heroes is rather important and we got recovery girl with us so I could always help out," Nezu responds. 

"Look. I'm not going to be a hero and that's that. I have never wanted to be one. The only time I did something even remotely heroic was when I saved Bakugo from a slime villain and even then I only did it because my body moved on its own," Izuku states taking a seat across the principle. "You know heroes tend to have stories where their body moved on its own. Your mind doesn't want to be a hero but you also want to save others if you can," Nezu states. 

"Tell you what. I'll make a deal with you. If you ever run into a problem and need someone to get there fast you can give me a call. Give this to Aizawa don't tell him about me but tell him to use this phone if he needs help. It doesn't need a signal so it should be okay," Izuku states handing Nezu a small handheld device. "Okay, if you are needed then depending on how well you do we could put you into class A depending on how long it takes for us to get into trouble," Nezu states as he stands up and makes an exit. 

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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