Scripture and Sacrament

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As I am sorting scripture in the Holy Library, he walks in, more scrolls in hand. As he walks his fiery locks gently sway back and forth on his shoulders and his tunic gently rustles around his thin frame as his bare feet pad the hard, smooth marble floors. I feel myself getting flustered and attempting to hide behind a wall of scripture. I don't understand why I feel this way. I haven't done anything wrong. Why am I hiding? In my nervousness, I expand my wings and knock over the stack of scripture I was hiding behind as well as knocking down Mr. fiery locks himself sending the scripture in his hands flying in all directions.

I hover over him, "Oh my heavens! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to knock you down. Here I'll help you up" I reach out a hand to him.

He takes my hand and lets me pull him up, "It's alright, don't get all flustered, silly angel" he smiles.

I gently land and fold back my wings and smile back, "Sorry, I don't know what comes over me, I just get so flustered sometimes." after a moment's pause, "Oh! Your scriptures! I knocked them out of your hands and now they're...they're...somewhere here...I am so sorry. I am so sorry." I feel myself becoming flustered again.

He takes hold of my shoulders, "Calm down, Angel, it's alright, we'll find them once we pick up the scriptures and put them in their rightful places. Now take a breath." He looks me in the eyes.

I take a breath, "You're right, I'm sorry. You see this is the very reason that I am not allowed at higher authority meetings. I just get too worked up and become less than productive, so I am stuck here sorting scriptures and such." I sigh.

He smiles warmly, "I didn't see you get too worked up, I just saw you become worried over a simple and very correctable mistake. It showed me that you care and that is a very good quality to have. Now come on Angel, let's tidy up your library, okay?" he gently pats me on the shoulder.

I smile, "Alright, let's tidy up the place." I feel calmer now thanks to him.

Together we tidy up my library. We sort the scriptures, stack the stone tablets, group the scrolls, and finally find the scrolls that were knocked out of his hand and put them in their proper places. When everything is tidied up again we sigh and slump to the floor in front of my desk.

I glance sideways at him, he doesn't seem to notice my gaze, but I get giddy inside so I look away. There was something about him that intrigues me so. He's not like the other angels who mock and push me aside. He is nice. I smile to myself. I think I made a friend for once. As I sit there quietly humming to myself, a gentle caress of my hand causes me to stop humming and look toward him. His molten chocolate eyes catch and hold my crystal-blue-eyed gaze.

He sweetly smiles, "Say, Aziraphale, would you join me for a walk?"

I am naïve about his intention so I don't hesitate, "Okay, sure, I will join you for a walk. Where to?" I admit I'm desperate for companionship.

His chocolate eyes search my features, "Angel? Aren't you going to ask something far more important, like my name?" he gently touches his chest and smirks.

I blink, "Oh yes, of course...uh, may I know your name, oh fiery-haired one." I smile.

He chuckles, "The fiery-haired one is Archangel Barachiel, but please just call me Barachiel, " he giggles and then snorts.

I frown, "It wasn't that funny." I didn't like his mockery. It hurt. I look down so he doesn't see me weep.

His laughter dissipates, "Oh, Angel, I'm sorry, I...I...I was just...I wasn't laughing at you...I was well...sigh... Angel, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, that was not my intention." he gently lifts my face towards him, his eyes are sympathetic and pained.

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