Jack's POV:

We were heading home from Con. We went to McDonald's to grab Anti and Dark something to eat. When we pulled into the driveway I was happy to see Anti and Dark again. I was glad to hear that they were getting along and that they haven't killed each other yet. We walked up to the front door and I unlocked it. Mark went into the kitchen to set the food down while I went into the living room. When I walked in I smiled warmly to see Dark and Anti cuddling with each other fast asleep. I quietly walked out of the living room to get Mark so he could see this adorable moment. When he entered his heart melted from how adorable it was Anti had his face nuzzled into Dark's neck and Dark was laid back on the couch with Anti on top of him. We didn't want to wake them up. It was too cute, but we had to. I walked up to them quietly and tapped on Anti's shoulder gently. Anti opened both of his eyes tiredly and looked up at me. I smiled warmly at him. Anti shot off Dark once he noticed what position he was in he blushed deeply with embarrassment.

"Oh my god! Why did that happen?!" Anti said, freaking out.

Dark woke up as soon as Anti got off of him he rubbed his eyes and yawned. Anti was so embarrassed to have us see that, but we didn't really mind it was cute.

"Anti, you don't need to be embarrassed." I said, chuckling softly.

"I-I didn't want you g-guys to see that when you g-got home!" Anti said freaking out more.

"Anti, it's okay we don't mind at all it was cute seeing you both cuddle." Mark said, smiling warmly.

As soon as Dark was fully awake he realized what was happening. Dark quickly got off of the couch blushing crazy from embarrassment.

"W-We cuddled?!" Dark asked, freaking out as well.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of you guys, it's cute that you guys are cuddling," I said, smiling softly. "You don't have to hide your feelings toward each other from us."

"Jack is right, you guys don't need to be embarrassed about it. Jack and I don't hide our feelings toward each other from you guys." Mark said, cutting in.

Anti and Dark looked at each other and blushed more. I can tell that they loved each other, they just don't want to admit it.

"Dark, Anti, you can tell each other how you guys truly feel about each other." Mark said, smiling happily.

"U-Uh, I don't know..." Anti said, sounding a bit nervous about the idea.

"Y-Ya, I-I'm not sure t-this is a good time." Dark said, rubbing his arm nervously.

"That's okay if you guys aren't ready yet we won't force you." I said smiling softly

Anti and Dark nodded softly blushing more. I wanted them to take their time on telling each other how they truly feel about one another.

"Come on, we brought home McDonald's." I said smiling happily walking out of the living room and into the kitchen.

They all followed and I started handing out everyone's food. Once everyone was done eating Mark went upstairs to record a video for tomorrow and I went into our room to take a nap. I hope they tell each other how much they love each other really soon Anti and I don't have long until we go back home.

Anti's POV:

I was chilling out in my room, my heart was pounding and my hands were sweaty. I didn't know why this was happening. I wanted to tell Dark how I felt, but I didn't want to make it too awkward. I sighed softly sitting up on my bed thinking about ways to tell Dark without even saying it. It then hit me. I quickly got out of bed and rushed out of my room into Mark and Jack's shared bedroom. I rushed over to their bed and shook Jack trying to wake him up. I wanted him to help out with my plan. He immediately woke up and sat up. He looked at me tiredly. He then looked at the time and looked at me again.

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