I woke up in Dimitri's room in the Moroi Ambassador's house.Blue and black comforter, white dressers and a sleek black flat screen tv.I gasped in astonishment when someone walked into the room.Dimitri ran over to me and kissed my hand."Roza you scared the fuck out of me what the hell happend" he said I smiled still hearing his faint russian accent."I missed you,and I dont know what happend."I told him lieing.I knew what happend is was me seeing him.After I had my heartbroken by Adrian.The man who took my virginity was right infront of me.The man I loved until the earth stopped spinning.I kissed him his lips gently pressing against me.I looked up and saw the moroi ambassador.I blushed slightly.I got up and bowed."Ambassador France, its a pleasure to see you.I shall be working with you because...ummm...."he nodded remembering our conversation on the phone.I tried holding back the tears but one slipped.I knew Dimitri was looking at me with concern.I just didnt have the guts to tell him about Adrian and Lissa.I dont think I ever will be.