Chapter 2

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Louis is falling asleep in Potions. Again.

He can't help it. It's his last class of the day before lunch, he didn't have enough to eat at breakfast, and all he can think of is the soft confines of his bed. It also doesn't help that he is utterly, and completely bored.

This class used to be one of his favorites, but nowadays he can't keep five minutes without his eyes drooping. 

In reality, when he first set out, Louis was quite shit at Potions. Truly, and absolutely shit.

It was a course Louis wouldn't even have chosen for himself. Liam had been the one to voice his interest back in third year, and talked Louis into taking the class too, so he could have someone to study with. Louis considers himself a pretty good friend for not laughing in Liam's face. In the end, rather than taking a class he might've actually enjoyed, he chose to take Potions.

It wasn't until Louis was already in the class that he realized in order to be naturally good at Potions, you needed a natural talent for ingredients and their values, which, judging from the few times Louis has attempted to cook for himself, he did not possess.

Liam was practically an encyclopedia for things of that sort, and yes, it pisses Louis off when he's not immediately good at a new challenge. Sue him.

Even with the study tips and tricks from his friend, Louis never quite got the flow of it all. He stumbled through third and fourth year, for Liam's sake, with plenty of griping, to be sure.

However, during his fifth and sixth year, Potions was taught by Professor Temitope, who was, to put it plainly, fit as all hell. Louis still smiles a bit to himself as he mentally pictures her; perfect, deep skin, and ringlets of curly hair that bounced ever-so-slightly each time she took a step. She had the prettiest lilt to her voice - Louis could watch and listen her all day.

And listen to her, he did. Coincidentally, it caused him do better in her class. He made strides in Potions after the first week. Louis wanted so badly to impress her, he made flashcards.

At the end of fifth year, during student-teacher examinations, she told Louis that he was her most improved student. Most improved! These were monumental words for a young, love-struck fourteen-year-old.

Then, at the end of his fifth year, to Louis's horror, Professor Temitope got engaged to the boyfriend Louis didn't know she had. Louis was heartbroken, and Liam told him he was delusional if he ever thought he'd had a chance. They were married, and not long after was she expecting.

The professor left for maternity leave a few weeks after last term ended, and Louis was stuck with an abundance of useless knowledge of all the things he'd spent so much time studying about to impress his epic, unrequited love.

As Louis selected his final roster of classes for seventh yeah, he decided, fuck it. He'll take Advanced Potions for his last year, go out with a bang now that he isn't so shit at it. Might as well, he thought. Why not? How bad could it be?

Bad. It could be this bad.

And here he is, fighting to stay awake, again.

Their new instructor, a small grey-haired wizard named Professor Doyle, seems nice enough; but Merlin, was he about as exciting as a brick. He spoke at what Louis assumed to be thirty words a minute, all drawn-out and in the most monotone register you could imagine. It's not his fault that watching someone paint a wall would be more interesting than this lecture.

Towards the front of the room, Liam occasionally turns back to check on Louis' state of consciousness, rolling his eyes every time he spots Louis nodding off. 

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