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Can someone pleeeeease get some more security people up in here? Lord Jesus! Hoooow many times do I have to tell y'all that there should be NO MEDIA, NO INTERVIEWS, NO SNAPSHOTS COMING THROUGH HERE?

I could hear Nini from inside my hospital room. That voice never fails to wake me up.
I peeked and saw that my stage clothes were removed and someone had already changed me. Bra and all. The smell in my room was sweet, like honey. None of that dead people smell. It was Nini. I'm sure of it. She knows me way too well. What in the world would I do without that girl.

Well, I see you're up Miss Irana. I'm Doctor Fields, how are you feeling?

Doctor Fields was pretty young and he had a good look on him. Perfect teeth. White smile. And those arms, they look strong and built under that white coat. I wouldn't have minded if he had been the one to undress me. Wish I had been awake to see it.

I'm feeling alright Doctor. Thank you.

Hmmmm. I wonder if he's married. He doesn't have a ring on his finger but knowing a lot of men these days, ain't none of them loyal.

We will have you stay for two more days, we ran some tests last night and everything looks normal. We don't want you to go back out there performing with half the strength. We want you to get better, to your best health.

This professionalism he's serving me is quite hot. A serious look suits Doctor Fields reeeeal good. I wonder what his first -

You're Up! Oh Glory be to God in the highest!! Irana... I just knew it that Jesus was going to heal my best friend. He was definitely not going to let you go that easily especially with all the mess you need to straighten out in yo -----

Sorry to interrupt, hello ma'am, I'm Doctor Fields. You must be Irana's sister....

Here we go.... Let's have a close look at the charming conversational skills of Miss Nini in one....two....three...

Ohhhhhh .... Yes I am Irana's sister, little sister to be exact..It was my fault Sir Doctor Sir Angel Who Fell From Handsome Heaven Sir Fields... Did I miss anything Good Looking?

If I had the strength, I would be laughing by now, in tears. It doesn't get any crazier than this. Nini already makes me feel better.

Hahaha...I guess I'll take that as a compliment but that's far from who I am. I'll leave you with your sister.... If you'll excuse me Miss Irana .... It was nice meeting you Miss...

Please don't go just yet. Still didn't get his first name.

Yes... It's Miss...Miss Nicole Harrington... Come back soon now...

He's gone forever. Ugh... My life is a constant tragedy.

Nini, you are an open book aren't you?

Oh my Looooooord ! Rana... Did you not have another blackout just by looking at that man? He is just soooooooo perfect. Can I just leave you by yourself and ask him to marry me right quick ?

Stop Nini, he's probably married already and you're not leaving me here. Sit down before you have a blackout yourself. What did Papa Rey say?

Papa Rey is my manager. His real name is Reggie. He and my dad were the best of friends, my Dad called him brother. Papa Rey was at every family occasion we had. He was also present at the hospital when I was born. He was the third person to hold me. He's also my godfather. When my dad passed away when I was only 12, he was always there for me. He still is. He knew, like how my dad knew, that I loved singing. When I was still in Barbados, shortly after my dad died, Reggie introduced me to a group that played instruments at a local restaurant. They needed a singer and the moment I sang Gloria Estefan's Rhythm, they took me as their lead. Ever since then, I just kept getting better until a certain Mr. Banks from California spent a week vacation there and told Reggie that I was going to be a star one day. He wanted to sign me for a few songs but Reggie believed that I was worth more than a few songs. He was always looking out for what was in my best interests. Six months later, Reggie paid my fare to fly out to California to meet with Mr. Banks. When Mr. Banks asked me to assign myself a manager, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Papa Reggie was that man. Even Mr. Banks wasn't surprised with my decision. Now that I'm in the hospital and with my tour being on hold, I'm sure he's busy trying to sort things out with Mr. Banks and all the changes that will be made for the performance dates. Poor Papa Rey.

Papa Rey rode in the ambulance with you. He also brought in the honey scented candles that you love. He stayed all night but he had to leave and I told him I would stay with you until he came back. You know, he was holding your hand the whole time. You've got that man's heart, Irana. Pride and joy girl, pride and joy....so when can we go back home? I'm starving and these assistants are getting on my laaaaast nerve girl !

Suddenly, I sat up.

I could sense a feeling all too familiar that I jus couldn't clearly make it out.

I pushed the bedside handle down and slowly lifted myself off the bed.

I heard the footsteps approaching the hallway.

Nini's voice started fading when the footsteps got louder.

I could feel a lump in my throat when I saw a figure walk into a room.

My eyes slowly turned to him.

It was Ric.

Ever since the day we met, Ric and I shared this feeling of knowing when one of us walked into a room. I knew it was him before he entered. He even knew it was me before I opened a door. It was always like this between us and we could never really figure out how it happened or how. It just did. It was like a second nature that we couldn't explain.

His mouth shaped into a faint smile.

He knew.

It never changed. He knew I knew it was him. I looked at my hands when the first words he spoke to me slipped into my ears. I couldn't help but close my eyes. I wasn't ready for this. I was weak.


That's all it took. Just a mention of my name on his lips paralyzed me.

Na, I flew in right when I heard what happened.

He said it again. This time I felt like a hammer was banging on my heart...I can't handle this. I felt like I was going to die right in front of him. He took a few steps closer to my bed.

Na, I'm right here. It's going to be okay. I'm here now. I'm here.

Now he was only a breath away from me.

I wanted him to leave. I wanted him to hold me. I wish he didn't fly all the way here. I wish he was the first one I saw when I woke up. I hated him so much. I loved him with all of me. Too many thoughts were rushing into my brain.

Before I could muster up a single word, everything turned to black.

The last thing I remember was Ric reaching out to catch me.

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