How Protective you guys are.

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( Before we start I got a request to add Summer and Raven. I will probably do it but I need your guys help. Who will you be for each? And should you already be married or not and if your the real parents of Ruby and Yang. Anyway enjoy.)


Ruby is somewhat protective and understanding. She will help you with any fight but understand if you can take them on your own that doesn't mean she doesn't worry.

You are very protective of Ruby. You would never let her get hurt if you see a scratch you instantly kill no excuses. But your very very protective of her innocence.



Ruby= Normal.



Weiss is short of on the deal with it yourself. Mostly due to her lack of stamina she more vulnerable. But she will help you when you do need it.

You don't care as long as their blood and you are protective of her just not by very much as she is racist towards you. She tries to limit it but it still there.

Weiss= Decent

Y/N=If your not going to be racist towards me.


Blake is assigned by Ozpin to protect you. You are the last werewolf and the White Fang want you for their cause. She would never let them take you. She also eat your food before you do. She said she was just hungry and you let her but really it to make sure it alright and not poison.

You are very very protective of her like a Werewolf is to their mate. Anything that try's to harm her is dead. Anyone who try to touch her is dead. She belong to you.


Blake= Overprotective

Y/N= Mate in danger and The Booty is mine!


Yang would protect you while showing off her body towards you a gift that only she had. If she angry you pity anyone who made her mad.
Even death wouldn't be escape from her as you her boyfriend can travel back and forth from the Afterlife.

Honestly your a demon your not really the protective kind and you do what you want but hey if you want to help her you can but their usual already dead.

Yang= Piss off

Y/N= meh later you will be alright


Pyrrha would protect you with her life as you would do the same. She would never let you go and she would never not trust you. Often you found Grimm dead before they were even near you.

Overprotective? No that not you.

You don't tear people's eyes off when they hurt her. You don't stealing from the company that only wants her for fame. You don't kill anyone who threatens her.

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