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Greys are very interesting.

Or at least that's what I was assuming based off of the one Grey that I had met.

Said Grey was currently sitting on my bed, my phone in his hand and a smile on his face. His smile wasn't budging one bit, showing that he was truly enjoying himself listening to music. I watched him as he changed the songs. His hair wasn't curly like this yesterday, it was kind of cute the way that the little ringlets poked out of the beanie on his head. They bounced slightly as he moved his head to each song.

To think that he had never heard music before was surprising to say the least. Who hasn't heard music before? Then again, he had never seen clear water before either. It made me wonder what else he had been deprived of thus far in life. It made me want to show him everything that he was missing.

I wanted to show him the world.

His eyes locked with mine as he settled on a piano instrumental and sighed in contentment. The only reason I had that was from when Indi had me download a bunch of them to learn when I had taken piano lessons. Thank God for that. It amused me to see the entertainment that the Grey received from the intricate sound of the music leaving the phone.

My mind wandered far, my thoughts filled with curiosity about the way Finn had grown up. I knew that the Shades weren't as privileged as the Brighter Colors, but just how bad did they really have it? My thoughts were cut off when I heard an annoyed grumble from my left.

I laughed loudly at the sight I was met with. Finn was repeatedly jabbing the phone with his finger. I hadn't even noticed the music had stopped. As soon as my laughter rang out though, he jumped and the phone slipped from his hands and onto the hard floor. He looked up at me shyly, and smiled nervously.

"Uh, I think I broke it."

I laughed again loudly and scooped the phone off of the floor. He seemed offended that I laughed and his eyebrows furrowed angrily. He kind of looked like a mad puppy. His face was young, but not too young. It gave off a youthful vibe, especially when his curiosity seemed to get the best of him.

"It's just dead," I said chuckling.

"I killed it!?" He exclaimed loudly.

"No no no you didn't! It's not alive it just needs to charge," I said reassuringly. He was panicking, and as much as it amused me, I felt bad.

"Look," I said, plugging my phone into its charger, "all better."

The screen lit up and Finn's eyes did the same. He seemed relieved and looked around the room in awe. I watched in fascination as he got up and walked over to my bookshelf. His fingers skimmed the spines of the books and then stopped on the big blue dictionary I had at the end. He looked at me, as if he was asking if it was okay to pull it out. I nodded and he pulled it out easily.

He flipped it around in his hands a few times. Clearly he knew what a book was. He ran his fingers over the letters indented into the front cover and then looked up at me momentarily before looking back down.

"D-dic," he stared intently at the cover of the big book. It took everything in me not to laugh at the fact that he was repeating the word dick over and over again. I was such a child.

If he was able to sound out parts of that, maybe he had read before? Or maybe he at least tried to? I nodded as a sign of encouragement and he looked to feel a bit more confident then. His eyes squinted just a bit in concentration.

"Dic-tih," he added a bit more, "dic-tih-on."

He stopped talked then. His eyes were a little defeated and he looked at me with a bit of hope. I sense of sympathy rose in me and I pointed to the book.

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