Chapter 1- Problems

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Taehyung, waking up with a yawn and sitting on his bed, still rubbing his eyes.

"Goodmorning." Says Jungkook in an uninterested tone while doing push-ups on the floor at the other side of their bedroom.

Tae looks at him and smiles, last night's memories still going through his mind. We literally had a makeup sex. That was amazing. We were fighting and suddenly started making out. He thinks and feels his cheeks getting hotter.

"Good morning, Kookie" Tae replies and jumps off the bed and walks towards Jungkook to plant a kiss on his lips but stops midway when Jungkook stands up and walks out of the room. Kookie's still in bad mood? I thought we resolved our argument last night. Tae sighs and decides to take a shower, not wanting Jungkook's sore mood to rub off on him.

Jungkook walks into the kitchen and finds Jin, making breakfast for everyone.

"Need any help?" He asks Jin and he nods.

"Sure. You can chop those vegetables there, mix this batter, clean those plates, set the dining table, wash th-"

"Woah, woah, wait. I was just asking out of politeness. I thought you'd say no like you usually do."

Jin chuckles. "I know. I was just messing."

Jungkook sighs in relief and grins.

Chores are divided in all members. Jin and Namjoon makes breakfast, Jungkook and Taehyung makes lunch and Yoongi and Jimin makes dinner. Hoseok is in charge of cleaning, since he loves tidiness, he volunteered himself for the job.

"You done with your exercise?" Asks Jin, eyes still on the pan.

"Not really..."

"Everything okay?" Jin faces Jungkook. Jin has his extreme superpower to sense the mood. He can immediately tell if something is wrong with any member. And he's always there to help.

Jungkook internally struggles whether to tell Jin everything or not. Deciding with the latter, he shakes his head.

"Everything is okay. Don't worry." With that, he walks out.

Jin knows something is definitely wrong, but doesn't push and goes back to his cooking.

Soon, Namjoon enters the kitchen with a pout.

"Eh... Jin..." Jin sighs and faces him.

"What? I thought I was a distraction in your life. Why are you here now? Go back to your studio. Why don't you already marry that goddamned room?"

"come on, Jin. You're not a distraction in my LIFE, you.. I said that because I was writing something important and you were being a distraction THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT."

"Whatever Namjoon, why are you here now?"

"I.. Can't find my headphones... Can you.. Help?"

"See? I knew it. You just come to me when you need something from me. Otherwise, I'm just a distraction."

"Now you're just being dramatic."

"Right. And you're an innocent victim."

Namjoon sighs, "Fine. I'll search them myself."

"Good for you."

With that, they both get to their own business.

Yoongi gets out of the bathroom after taking a long, relaxing bath and finds Hoseok on his bed, playing in his phone.

"Hobi? Where's Jimin?" He asks while wiping his hair from the towel.

"He's playing video game with Jungkook in my room." He replies, not bothering to even look at Yoongi.

"Okay, but why are you here?"

"I needed somewhere calm to sit. And your room is the quietest amongst all of us."

Yoongi sighs. "We have a living room too."

"I know. I was there a couple minutes ago, but then Namjoon and Jin started arguing and they were pretty audible to me.. So here I am."

Yoongi nods and flops down on bed next to Hobi, looking into his phone.

"What're you upto?"

"Oh, here's this amazing game I found the other day. You should try." Hoseok speaks with excitement and Yoongi smiles.

"You like it that much?"

"I absolutely love it. Here. Let me teach you."

Hoseok hands him the phone and gives instructions. Soon in their conversation, bedroom door opens and Jimin walks in. He sees Hobi and Yoongi together and frowns.

"Oh, hey Jimin." Hobi smiles but Jimin still keeps frowning.

"Why're you here? You said you were going to the living room." Jimin asks and Hobi was about to reply but Yoongi stops him.

"Why does he have to explain, Jimin?"

Jimin shoots his eyebrows and crosses his arms above his chest. "Are you serious right now?"

Hoseok feels uncomfortable and excuses himself out. Yoongi shakes his head and sighs.

"You need to stop being so childish, Jimin."

"Wanting my boyfriend all to myself is childish, then yeah, I AM a child. What the hell were you two doing?"

"I don't have the energy to argue over this stupid thing again, Jimin. Army ships whoever they want. You can't just watch some "Sope" on YouTube and believe it's all real. Hobi and I are just friends."

"I know. I trust you. It's just that... I.. I get jealous, Yoongi, why don't you understand? Those videos.. They got into my head. I can't just get them out. It's difficult. It'll take time."

"Well then let's talk you become normal again."

"Yoongi. Don't do this. Why can't you understand me? Put yourself in my shoes."

"You think just YOU get jealous? Everytime I open social media, all I see is "vmin", "jikook" and "vminkook". You think it's easy for me? I just don't react like a baby unlike a certain someone."

Jimin clenches his jaws. He never understands me. He thinks and storms out of the room.

A/n This is Bangtan Dorm. The story is about the journey of them all overcoming their problems and winning each other by love.

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