Chapter 5- Secret

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Yoongi receives a call from their producer and gathers everyone in the living room.

First sits Jin, cuddled up to Namjoon, then sits hoseok on his other side. On the love seat, sits Yoongi and Jimin, with Jimin unconsciously playing with Yoongi's fingers. Then on the couch front of Namjoon's, sits Jungkook and Tae. Tae has rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook has his arms folded.

"Producer called me this morning" Yoongi finally speaks after everyone arrives.

"He said he called you a few times but you didn't pick, Namjoon?" He asks Namjoon who just fake smiles. How could he when he was so depressed the entire day. What he did last night, was something he'll regret his whole life.

"I.." Namjoon tries to speak but nothing comes out.

"He was with me. I didn't set him free the entire day, maybe that's why." Jin speaks for him and Namjoon mentally thanks him for saving his ass.

"Oh, well, he said that since we can't shoot something new due to quarantine, we should go live for army." Yoongi continues.

"That's a good idea." Tae nods in agreement. "Right, Jungkook?"

"Yeah.. Absolutely.. We.. Should." Jungkook smiles but Namjoon knows it's fake.

"What're we supposed to do in live?" Jimin asks.

"Eat." Replies Jin, making everyone laugh but Jungkook and Namjin. Hoseok notices. He has a feeling that something is wrong between them.

The discussion goes on and on but Hoseok has found more interesting topic. He keeps looking between Namjoon and Jungkook and notices how they are avoiding each other. They aren't making any eye contact, neither are they talking too much. The entire conversation lacks Jungkook's frequent opinions and Namjoon's logical suggestions.

"So.. How do we make units?" Jin asks.

"Me and Yoongi." Jimin quickly replies.

"No, it's risky.. You two might end up giving TMI." Hoseok speaks.

"I'll join them then." Jin says. Everyone nods in agreement.

"That leaves the four of you. How about Namjoon and Kookie and Tae and Hoseok?" Yoongi suggests.

"NO!" Namjoon and Jungkook yells at the same time, gaining everyone's suggestion and making Hoseok even more suspicious.

They both exchange looks and Namjoon speaks, "I... We.. I mean.. We should let Kookie and Tae have one live. They deserve one live all by themselves and army." He explains and Jungkook quickly joins and nods.

"Yeah. I.. I wanna be with Tae this time."

Taehyung smiles and whispers "I love you" in Kookie's ears.

"Then I'll be with Namjoona then." Hoseok finalizes and everybody agrees with the units.

"Well, now that everything's decided, I'll tell Bang PD." Yoongi tells.

"Umm.. Namjoon and Jungkook, can you two please come to my room for a quick second? I need something to discuss." Hoseok stands and looks at them.

Without waiting for a reply, he starts walking towards his room and left without any other choice, Namjoon and Jungkook joins.

"Lock the door." Jungkook does as Hoseok says and the three of them sit on his bed, legs crossed.

"Is this about some choreo again? Because let me tell you, Hoseok, I'm not in the mood right now." Namjoon tells with a tired look on his face.

"And you think I didn't notice that?" Hoseok asks in reply.

"Then why did you call me here?"

"Because I know you're in a bad mood but I also know it has something to do with Jungkook. Right, Jungkook?" Hoseok looks at Jungkook who looks away, hesitated.

"What is it? Why are you two reacting this way?" He asks with a lot serious tone, which is rare coming from Hoseok of all people.

Namjoon and Jungkook shares a look and Jungkook quickly looks away. Namjoon sighs.

"Hobi... I don't think that you getting involved is any good." Namjoon speaks.

"Yeah. It's.. No big deal.. We.. We'll solve it ourselves." Jungkook joins.

Both of them are fully aware what might happen if this gets out. It will ruin everything they ever had. Their friendships and relationships won't stay the same anymore. And it is a risk they aren't willing to take.

"Well, if that's the case. Do it now. I don't want your mood to rub off on others. Specially Tae and Jin. You know whenever any of the two members fights, how much if effects others. You two were there when Jin and Tae fought over choreo right? And when Tae and Jimin fought over dumplings? Look, solve this okay? And I'm here if you need to talk to someone." With that, Hoseok leaves the room.

Jungkook slowly looks at Namjoon and tears start coming out of his eyes.

"Namjoon, I.. I'm sorry.. That was all my fault. I was the one horny and needed... Someone.. And you just happened to be there."

"It's the two of us, Kookie, I could've stopped you, but I did. I even initiated a few things. And now... I feel worst I've ever felt in my entire existence."

Jungkook nods. "I can't even look at Tae in the eyes."

"I know. I try my best to treat Jin more than what he deserves, but the guilt... Isn't going away."

"Do you.. Do you think we tell them the truth?" Jungkook asks.

"That's the right thing to do.. But.. It'll destroy everything. Our friendship, our relationship, our trusts, everything. And this isn't a good thing since we need to go live in a couple days. Army will sense something is wrong."

"Right... Then.. Then let's keep it a secret. Let's forget it. This... This never happened."

Namjoon nods and looks at sniffing Jungkook. He can't help but take him in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Kookie, I'm sorry... Don't cry... Everything's gonna be okay."

After a minute of crying, Jungkook finally stops and Namjoon let's him go of his arms.

"Let's get back now. And.. And.. Never talk about this again. Yeah?" Namjoon asks and Jungkook nods.


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Bangtan Dorm [vkook, Namjin, Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now