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Chapter XXIV


I tried my best to quietly sneak to the door but the wooden Acacia floor boards aren't helping me at all, I clearly don't remember how I got to the restricted area.

Making me wander around the area aimlessly, the room seemed to be getting darker with every step that I'm taking as a sign of 'hurry up and get the fuck out of there!'

Mumbling words of reassurance to myself as I walk around the never ending aisles of book shelves with the creaking of the floor as I move.

I pass a certain aisle to my left that has a darker aura and lesser lighting than the rest, catching my interest, I weighed whether I should check it out or continue and ignore it.

My thoughts was snapped back to earth by a high cackling mechanical laughter emitted from the aisle.

A series of bright red eyes shone after the other until it abruptly stops.

I felt my body freeze in place, like in some sort of spell while it emerges from the dark, showing it's long necked hydra-heads, black messy hair, pale smokey-grey skin, deformed body shape with scars and wounds in every inch.

It slowly but surely made its way towards me, it's heads moving in different directions though it's eyes focused their gazes on me.

Quavering at the sight, I move a step back, with the boards creaking along.

That second the newly found demon's heads stopped moving, their eyes glaring straight through my soul, I felt the very definition of fear.

Our distance is a meter apart but I could hear it's growls and inconsistent ragged breathes through its noses.

Moving my legs backward, I came into contact with a stone cold brick wall.

It kept moving closer, suddenly letting out an ear-bleeding screech, running at me with its full force in the little distance we had left.

Tensing my muscles, my hands in front of my face and my eyes closed tightly as I braced for impact but it never came.

Cautiously peeking my eyes open, my eyes adjusting to the blinding light of the room.

As my vision became clear, my eyes first landed on someone I dearly missed.

Pouncing at full force, engulfing them in warm bear hug, hugging tighter I could hear them curse at me but I couldn't careless.

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