Aizawa-sensei's announcement

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"Aizawa-sensei is coming! Everybody, please sit down!" Iida said with his usual tone.

    The teacher entered the classroom. Everybody sat down and were ready to start class.

"Hello class. I am going to make an announcement: Since everyone worked so hard recently, I talked with Principal Nezu. We agreed to give you a little reward. We are taking you to another internship..."

The students frowned.

" Hawaii."

The whole class cheered and each and every student imagined what they would do on this internship. What will be the trainings? Are they going to have some free-time to visit the town and buy stuff as a souvenir? What are they going to buy? Will they make new Hawaiian friends? Will they find love?

"The internship will last about a week. I'll give you the papers explaining in details the internship. Just so you know, we chose Hawaii as a destination, as a reward, but it doesn't mean you can give up your efforts right now. We are going to do training in extreme conditions. There are forests filled with savage creatures, seas filled with savage creatures, and volcanos, obviously not filled with savage creatures." The teacher explained before burrying himself into his yellow sleeping bag.

"And hot girls in bikinis!" Kaminari and Mineta yelled in unison, imagining themselves at the beach playing volleyball with Hawaiian girls.

"Bzzzzzt!" Thank you Jirou.

Sero has had a huge crush on Denki since they first met. It was thanks to him that he realised that he liked guys better than girls. Unfortunately, he already knew that his chances with him were near to zero, since Denki kept fantasising about girls in a bikini, and not guys with a nicely traced six pack. But that didn't mean that he was going to abandon. He was determined. The most determined he could be. He didn't like guys? That's okay. He'll MAKE him like him.

"Hey bro! That's a wonderful chance to get that guy!" said Kirishima, as happy as Sero was.

He was the only one who knew about this. Denki of course didn't know about it, neither did Bakugou or Mina. He was the only one he could trust.

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