The Secretive beast

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I came home to find grandma sleeping peacefully. I sighed in relief.
It was only 6 am. So no one saw me coming from the forest.
But my biggest challenge was to go to the forest in the afternoon without anyone knowing.

I went to my room and immediately drifted off to sleep because I hadn't slept the entire night.


I felt someone shaking me.
I groaned before turning to another side.
"Honey, wake up. Its 11am." I heard grandma say.
What! 11am? I had to go to the forest in the afternoon.
I woke up and ran in the bathroom.
I was in my shower when I heard grandma ask,
"How come you slept so much today? Usually you wake up at 7am."

"Umm I was tired from the journey." I lied.

She seemed convinced because she didn't ask me anything after that.
After shower I wore my outfit for today and got ready.

 After shower I wore my outfit for today and got ready

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I went in the kitchen to see grandma making lunch.
"Ugh..grannie." I said.
She turned to me and smiled.
"Yes sweetie?" She asked.
"Can I explore the town today?" I asked.
She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. But then she gave me another sweet smile of her.
"Ofcourse honey. I am more than happy that you are finally moving on. If you want then I can help you explore." She said.

"N-No. I will do it alone. I want to spend some time alone." I quickly said.

"As you wish. But remember that no going to the forest." She warned me again.

I just smiled at her nodding.
How bad I felt lying on her face.

She served us lunch which We both ate while watching TV.

After lunch I took a small bagpack with me. I carried a water bottle and my book to read for incase the Beast doesn't show up.

I left the home saying goodbye to her.
But now there were many people on the street. Anyone could catch me going to the forest.

I was walking in confusion when suddenly an old lady who wore torn clothes and carried a stick to support her while walking came in front of me. She was a beggar.
"People are cruel. Take another way. Go to the park which ends in the forest way." She sang it like a rhyme.
I felt like she was giving me a message. But I couldn't get it.

"You mean go to the park?" I asked.
She smiled at me before going away and begging people again.

Now where is the park?
It was alreay 2 pm. It was time for me to go. But I didnt know the way to the park.

"Excuse me?" I asked a passerby.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Do you know the way to the park?" I asked.
"Yes. Take the next right and go straight. You will see the Town fountain and from there Left is the park." He said.
I thanked him before going to the directions told by him.

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