Chapter 5

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

During the car ride, it was very quiet, neither of us decided to speak. Though it was not an awkward silence, we were both used to having each other on our side, so being quiet like this is normal for us. I haven't still told Irene unnie where we are going. I wanted to surprise her.

"Yahhh, Seulgi, where are we going?" Irene asked me for the hundredth time.

"Don't worry unnie, we're almost there." I said as I smiled at her.

Our 'first' meeting was a bit short since I didn't want to force Irene to ride the zipline with me. To be honest, I really want to try the zipline with her but I know that she's afraid of heights. I remembered the time when we first went ziplining together. She was really scared so she waited for me before riding the zipline. And when I told her to yell 'Seulgi, I love you' while on the zipline, she didn't follow me. She just yelled 'AHHHHHHHH'. Since we are minutes away from the place, I decided to play some tunes.

Girl you just caught my eye

I tried looking at Irene after singing along with the song.

Thought I should give it try
And get your name and your number
Go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers

Irene laughed as I was singing along to the song, waiting for her to sing with me.

Why did I say that?
I don't know why
But you're smilin' and it's something' I like
On your face, yeah it suits you
Girl we connect like we have bluetooth

I acted as if I was disappointed since I asked her about the cucumber thing. Irene giggled and when I looked at her, I saw her smiling.

I don't know why
I'm drawn to you
Could you be the other one so we'd equal two?

I did the V sign and looked at Irene, trying to be cute.

And this is all based on a lucky chance
That you would rather add than subtract

I stopped singing when I heard Irene unnie sing the next part.

You and I
Could be like sonny and cher

We both started singing together as if we are a real couple. Then it hit me. We really are a couple. But not just any couple, we're a married couple.

Honey and bears
And you and I
Could be like Aladdin and Jasmine
Lets make it happen

I stopped the car since there is a stoplight. I looked at Irene and I saw her looking back at me while smiling brightly. We sang the last part together.

La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
La-la-la-la, la-la-la


Irene and I arrived at the place where Joy told me to take Irene. I looked at the sign and figured out that it was a cafe. I escorted Irene unnie as we enter the cafe. There weren't many people as we enter the cafe since it's an afternoon. I picked a table that is a bit secluded from others so that no one can bother us.

"Take a sit here." I pulled a chair and made Irene unnie sit down.

I sat on the opposite chair where Irene was sitting.

"So, what do you want to order?" I asked Irene who was busy looking at the menu.

"Hmmm, I'll have this own." Irene said as she pointed something on the menu.

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