Chapter 14

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Seulgi's P.O.V.

I got to admit, the wedding was really fun but it was tiring at the same time. It took us almost half a day to finish the whole wedding ceremony including the reception. Surprisingly, Wendy and the others really prepared for that day. They even served a buffet during the reception which made Irene and I both feel like it's a real wedding. The guests all congratulated us as if we were really married. Yeri and Joy kept on teasing us for the whole day. Thankfully, Wendy told them to stop and she told Irene and I to head home since she knows that we're both tired. Currently, Irene and I were heading home. We arrived for about a few minutes.

"Ahhh I'm so tired." I groaned as we entered the apartment.

"Yeah yeah, staring at me all day is very tiring you know." Irene said beside me.

"Huh? What? I wasn't staring at you all day. I was just staring at you for like half of the day."

"Ohhh so you admit that you were staring at me?" Irene teased me.

"Of course, I still can't believe that I married a goddess." I winked at her.

"Yahhh stop it, I know that we're already married but I still hate it when you're being cheesy." Irene said, making me laugh.

"Ohhh before I forget, stay here. Take a sit on the couch, I'm just going to get something." Irene demanded. Being a part of the whipped culture, I followed what she said.

After a few seconds, Irene came back holding a wine and two glasses.

"Since we weren't able to celebrate our marriage with just the two of us, why not drink something together? Don't worry, you won't get drunk with this. I don't want you to get drunk either since I don't want my husband to turn into a child who keeps doing aegyo." Irene said as she gave me the wine and a glass.

I opened the wine and poured both of our glasses a small amount of it.

"After the wedding ceremony, did you feel something different between us?" Irene suddenly asked me.

"Well it made me feel like I'm really married. It was kind of weird. Is this what being married feels like?"

"I guess." Irene shrugged.

Silence engulfed the both of us. It wasn't the awkward type of silence. It was more like we're enjoying that we are right by each other's side.

"Let's have a toast then." I raised my glass and Irene did the same.

"To Kang Seulgi and Kang Joohyun for being the best couple in We Got Married."

"What? Is that what you really wanted to say?" Irene asked me. I nodded in reponse.

"Fine." Irene clinked her glass on mine.

*We Got Married Family (MCs)*

"Wow, they really claimed that they're the best couple on this show."

"Who wouldn't agree though?"

"I feel like they have the most realistic relationship in this show."

Irene was about to drink hers but then I stopped her. "Wait, before you drink that, why don't we intertwine our arms? You know like in the movies, how the newly wed couples drink their drinks together?"

"You watch way too many movies. But since you looked hot today, I'll do what you say." Before I could reply, Irene intertwined our arms together and then she started drinking hers. I did the same as I saw her drinking already.

"That felt good." Irene said after finishing her glass of wine. She went to reach the bottle of wine on the table but I stopped her.

"That's enough wine for you. I don't want my wife to get drunk just right after getting married. It's already late, so maybe we should start getting ready for bed." I told her.

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