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"This is a month, the first of which brings the Allaah's mercy, the middle of which brings His forgiveness and the last of which brings emancipation from the fire of Jahannam

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"This is a month, the first of which brings the Allaah's mercy, the middle of which brings His forgiveness and the last of which brings emancipation from the fire of Jahannam."

(To be continued, in Shaa Allaah)

(To be continued, in Shaa Allaah)

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The virtues of The Holy Quraan:

❤ Surah Yaseen ❤

"Rasulullah SalAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam said: " Whoever reads Surah Yaseen in the beginning of the day, all his needs for that day are fulfilled."

Other merits of Surah Yaseen mentioned in Ahaadeeth:

🔹️Surah Yaseeen is the heart of the Quraan.
🔹️Whoever reads Surah Yaseen, Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta'aala records for him a reward equal to that of reading the whole Quraan times.

🔹️Allaah Ta'ala recited Surah Yaseen and Surha Taahaa one thousand years before the creation of Heaven and Earth, and on hearing this the angels said, "Blessing is for the ummat unto whom the Qur'aan will be sent down, blessing is for  the hearts that will bear, i.e memorize it, and blessing is for the tongue that will recite it."

🔹️Whoever reads Surah Yaseen for the pleasure of Allaah, all his earlier sins are forgiven. Therefore make a practice of reading it over your dead.

🔹️Surah Yaseen removes from a person afflictions of this world and the next, and takes away the dread of the next life.

🔹️ A person who recites Surah Yaseen every night, and then dies, he passes away as a shaheed (martyr).

🔹️Whoever reads Surah Yaseen in hunger is satisfied.

🔹️Whoever reads it having lost his way finds the way, whoever reads it on losing an animal finds the same.

🔹️ When one reads it, apprehending that his food will become short, the food will become sufficient.

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