Ch1: Mafia Hat

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At a first glance at the city, it looked just like any other.

Skyscrapers, roads, workplaces, other stuff.

Just like any other in 2086.

Everyone was simple, everything was fine.

I sighed, and turned off the monitor.

Nothing happening today.

I got up from the desk chair, and jogged into the open room.

Kind of dirty, a few critters here and there, and books and trash in heaps, with the occasional burp or sneeze to remind you that you weren't the only one living among the garbage.

Just like any other day.

Down here in the sewers.

Yes, the sewers.

We live in sewers.


A fiery-red headed boy poked his head out.

"Oh, hi! What's new?"

I climbed over the rubble to him.

"Well, for starters, THIS ROOM IS NOT AT ALL CLEAN."

He laughed.

"Well, ex-CUUUSE ME, princess, does this place need to be spotless? It's a friggin' sewer!"

"Just pick up the big stuff, Finny. You know what I mean."

Finn is the kind of guy who always acts like he's too cool for school, but he's actually the opposite. He's brave, a natural leader, but still kinda lazy.

He got up from his bed, and started chucking stuff from the pile.

"So, what else is going on in the city, Terra?"

I tossed a candy wrapper into the trash can.

"Nothing. Completely uneventful."

"At least we can play some games."

Finn took a deck of cards from his pocket.

"I'm totally gonna KICK YOUR BUTT at mafia today."

"Oh, please. Don't lie to yourself. Holle always wins. She's KILLER." announced another voice behind the trash.

"How long have you been sitting there?" I asked, annoyed.

A blue, scruffy head popped out from behind the mountain of junk.

That's Nemo.

He's fairly goofy, but smart and a pretty good friend to have.

"Half an hour. Hell, Mr. I'm-gonna-finally-win-at-Mafia didn't know I was there either!"

I laughed.

"I can't stay mad at you, Quips."

Finn calls Nemo Quips for some unknown reason.

As we finish putting the crap away, we ran into the smallest part of the sewer (which was still fairly roomy) where Holle was sitting there, tapping her fingers against the table impatiently, wearing a tall, red hat with a black ribbon around it.

It was her special Mafia hat.

I took one look at her, with that stupid You-are-totally-going-down smirk on her face, and burst out laughing.

"Oh god, Holle!! Do you always need to do that stupid smile?"

"No, but I choose to."

Holle is the kind of person who is always very professional in the way she speaks and walks, like a lawyer walking into the courtroom, but put her at the game table, and she is a COMPLETELY different person. Once she's in the game, she is competitive and crazy.

I sit at the table, and Finn deals out the cards, a slight smile on his face.

I pick up my card.

A king.

I'm a mafia.

I pick up my second card.

A 7.


There's only four of us, so we always take extra cards.

We look up, nod simultaneously, and Finn opens his mouth to start the game.


"Aw crap!!"

We sprinted into the computer room.


George is our computer.


Don't question it, Quips programmed him.

"HOW DOES HE KEEP GETTING OUT?!?" George rambled on for a bit before Holle interjected.


George shut up.

"Just tell us what the deal is." Holle said calmly.

I could see the anger in her eyes, she was doing a good job hiding it.

George rolled his computer eyes.

"Fine. Jeez, you take the fun out of everything.
Well, Dr. Ebony got out."

Quips slammed his fist against the table.


"Actually, this is the seventh time this has happened."

Quips turned around.

"Trust me, I can't count."

Holle rolled her eyes.

"Okay, where is he now?"

A map popped up, and a small evil face stuck out.

"Around Jayfeather Street."

Finn groaned.

"Aw, I just wanted to play Mafia."


A small elevator popped up, and we all ran inside.

It shot up in the air, and just as it was about to leave the ground, it exploded, and we flew out.

"Now, to get that son of a bitch."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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