Memories in my Scrapbook

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Chapter 1 (Meet Mandy)

“Tears, idle tears, I know not what they mean,

Tears from the depths of some devine despair

Rise in the heart, and gather to the eyes,

In looking on the happy autumn fields,

And thinking of the days that are no more.”


"Mandy, wake up!"

"One more minute, Mom" as I scratched my head and went back to sleep. 

"No! You're gonna be late in your 1st day of school and that's not a good record." she said as she walked away and left my room.

"Fine...." I said when I stood up from my bed.I went to the bathroom and had a shower then brushed my teeth; put my eyeliner and makeup on, and dressed my fave outfit. I guess I'm ready. I went to our garage at the back of our house and opened my car, switched the car on and left the house. I dropped by at my best friend's house which is Briana, and fetch her so we can go to school together.

"Andy, let's go to the mall later, k?" yep she calls me Andy since we're little cutie pies.

"Why?" as I looked at her in confusion.

"Well duuuh. Did you forget it already? It's almost my birthday and and and and you forgot?" sounding dissapointed.

"I have to buy a new dress for my party on Saturday. And don't forget to come!" she grinned at me. We're almost there until we realized that my car's out of gas. Great, I forgot to tell dad that my car is out of GAS! Sucks being me. Luckily there's a gas station near us, Briana and I pushed my car as we go to the gas station. 

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story. I apologize if I have mistakes. I was so sleepy and stressed so yeahh it's really hard to think. heheheheheh... Anyways, I'll try to UPDATE this soon... After my hw's and projects :) THANKS! cheers. God bless ;D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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