Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I finally went downstairs with the new ghost following me. This one was wearing what I thought looked like a wedding dress with the pearls and lace covering the dress. She hadn't said anything yet but I'm still going to keep my eye out on this. If she did die on her wedding day then she's going to have some serious issues about getting closure and I'm going to have some sleepless nights. Ghosts with regrets are the worst ones to deal with. They always want me to do something like find their murder or find their long lost loved ones. And they won't leave me alone till I do something about their death. I usually do their requests before but now all I want to do is have a decent sleep. Ever since I had that lake dream, it has scared me to fall asleep and if I do fall asleep, it isn't those nice and restful sleep. I wake up in pure fear and/or tirelessness. I smiled at the butler ghost as I walked down the hall to the kitchen. I did some research and found out that his name was Sebastian. Sebastian was one of the first employees in my great-grandmother's mansion.

The House of Densmore has always been in my mother's family for as long as I can remember. The dark wood floors and the faded white walls showed just how old this house was. My aunty, being the eldest, was able to inherit the house when my grandparents passed away when I was 6. But, she has never really liked to stay in one place so more often than not she would leave this place empty. The amount of dust and dirty built in this place is enough to make anyone sick. It's disgusting to me especially because of how I am such a neat freak. I have been trying to clean up this huge mansion all summer but I barely made a dent with so many unnecessary rooms in this mansion. At least, the more common rooms such as the kitchen, dining room, and the living room were clean enough for me to handle but I still wanted to clean every inch of this house. Of course, I made my room the cleanest of all since that's where I'm sleeping. But, a house like the House of Densmore deserves restored to its beauty when it was first built.

"Ah! There you are, darling! Hurry up or you're going to be late for school" my aunty Annabell told me. My aunt Annabell was the more wild and free one compared to my mother. She never liked to be tied down to anything or anyone. She never let anyone tell her what to do. She would probably do the exact opposite of what she is told to do. Once my mother said that she should stop traveling so much, I haven't seen my aunt for almost two years because she went backpacking around Europe but she had always sent me a postcard from where she was. I love my aunty very much but I always wondered why she never wants to settle down. I asked before but she would always distract me with her tall tales.

She handed me two bags as she pushed me through the door into the driveway. The school doesn't start till 8:30 so we weren't late. But, I knew what my aunty was like. If there's anything that my aunty Annabell hates, she hates being late. Even being a few minutes late would put her in a bad mood. I figured that since I woke up at 7:00 AM, I might as well get ready for school. So, I was already dressed for school with my backpack on my shoulder. With a pair of black leggings and oversized gray hoodie, this was the closest thing I could get to a cozy blanket. I hopped into my aunt's 2017 BMW convertible with her roof down. I opened one of the bags she gave and it turned out to be a breakfast sandwich. I almost choke on my sandwich when she came to a screeching stop. "Quick! Go to class before you're too late!" my aunt exclaimed. I finished my bite as I grabbed my stuff to get out. I was already on the steps in the school when my aunt shouted: "I love you so much E!" Luckily, there was no one here yet to hear that but I waved her goodbye as she drove away. I walked around the empty halls for a bit to see around the classrooms before heading to the office. The door made a little bell ching but there was no one in the office. I moved in with my aunt last week before school so I still didn't have my class schedule for this year. I thought there would at least be one person in this school office but I guess 7:30 AM is still too early for teachers, too. I was able to sit down on one of the chairs they set aside when the principal came out of his office. He let out a short yelp when he saw me. He wasn't that old but he wasn't that young either.

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