One: Welcome Home Riolu

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Ten years ago...

"Luca! Can you come here for a moment sweetheart?" The graying man known as Ranger Hart called out. His brown eyes looking around for which direction his energetic child would be running in from.

Just as suspected an eight year old girl with raven hair came running in through the open door that led out to the garden. "What is it Papa?" She asked as her short pigtails bounced while she trotted to a stop just short of her father. She looked up at him, her bright blue eyes shining with her boundless energy.

"There is somebody I would like you to meet." He said with a smile on his face. He then stepped to the side revealing a very shy looking Riolu that had been hiding behind him.

"Hello!" She said as she smiled down at the new face that stood at two thirds her height, amazingly with eyes that were as blue as hers. "What's your name?" She asked as she extended her hand out to him.

"What?" He asked as he tipped his head to one side. He had really asked the question to himself as he did not fully understand what she was asking him.

"This is Riolu." Her father said.

She didn't even look up at him as the Riolu placed a paw into her small hand.

"I am Riolu." He said. It was usual for Pokémon to be called by their common name.

"That's not right." Luca said with a smile. "What is your name? We are in Oblivia, we are Oblivian, but we each have a name too. Mine is Luca."

Her father looked down in amazement. He had a feeling that his daughter would be just as her mother had been. But he hadn't expected it to show up this early in her life, especially with a Pokémon that had yet to even learn how to use telepathy or aura. Yet here she was, carrying on a conversation as though it was perfectly normal to.

"Would you give me one?" He asked with a smile.

"See Papa. He wants a name." She kept eye contact with her new friend, their hands still clasped with each other's.

The tall man laughed. "How about Rio then?"

Riolu shook his head.

"He doesn't like that one." She said as she too shook her head.

"Lou?" The father offered another one.

They both shook their heads again.

"I like your name." He said to the young girl that had his full attention. Maybe living with them wouldn't be so bad. He was thankful that her father had found him. His parents had both been killed recently while fleeing from Poké Hunters that were poaching in the woods nearby. He had hidden in a hollow tree, not knowing what to do. He was wandering around hungry when this man found him. Sadly the man couldn't hear him. Only those that have learned how to telepathically speak to humans could do so. He was wild and young, and his telepathy wasn't strong enough. Yet this girl had heard him and could understand him just fine.

"You do?" She smiled. "My mom gave me that name." She thought about it for a moment. "How about Luke? It sounds a lot like mine without being exactly the same."

"Yes! Luke! I like that! I like that a lot! Thank you!" He said as the two of them took each other's other hand and started bouncing up and down.

"His name is Luke, Papa!" She said as she finally looked up at her father. "May Luke and I go play in the garden?"

"Just until Miss Kari makes supper. But do not leave the garden. Poachers are still out there somewhere."

"My Papa is a retired Ranger." She said to Luke. "He will keep us safe." She smiled at him. "One day I'm going to be a Ranger too... then I can keep you safe! I promise!" She then led Luke out at a full run, giggling as they headed outside to play.

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