Chapter 1: Beginning

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Agency Of Terror Detection (ATD)

"This is Agent 9, signing in." The voice recognition device sucks back into the wall and I sigh as the administration device asks me to lean forward for facial scanning. I obey and lean into the camera. A blue laser runs over my face and a green checkmark appears on the screen. Another small device pops out of the wall and I press my thumb to it. The robotic voice of our ATD leader, Solomon, comes through the machine:

"Agent 9, Erina, allowing access..."

Just left of me, the large vault-like doors of the Agency of Terror Detection open. I step in and inhale the clean air. It smells like a hospital to most, but to me, it smells of home.

"Welcome back, Agent 9." A male agent I've never spoken to before greets me as I enter. I nod in response.

As I walk, I notice the secretary's desk and cringe. The face of probably one of my worst enemies - aside from people who try to kill me on the daily - sits on his tubby behind, typing something on his computer.

I look the other way and try to slip past without him recognizing my face. It doesn't work. His round brown eyes peer up from behind is rectangular glass and narrow at the sight of me. Ugh, Dillan. I can't stand him.

"Well well well," He looks me up and down. "How goes it, midget?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing." I retort.

"So you're comeback was pretty much "No you,"." He glares at me, I glare back.

"Is there a reason for you interrupting me or did you just want to try and talk me down with awful insults that don't even hurt? Because I'm probably going to be needed for another high profile mission in a few minutes and I should start preparing for that in my personal Mission Prep Room. " I ask and wait for the answer. He settles his thin lips in a hideous line and narrows his eyes.

I love taunting Dillan with my missions. The main reason he always tries to get on my nerves is the cause of his jealousy of my status in the ATD. It's not my fault he doesn't have what it takes.

"Now that you mention it, Solomon wanted to see you in his office... immediately."

"Then why didn't you tell me that...immediately?" I put on a facade of confidence but inside my heart sinks. Solomon only sees people in his office when something is wrong.

He wrinkles his ugly chin in thought. "Because I thought if you were late to the meeting Solomon would get mad at you. But now, unfortunately, you have enough time to make it within his window of opportunity. So get out of here." He nods his head towards the elevator that would take me to Solomon's office.

What a little baby. His reason for making me late was so Solomon would get mad at me?

I flip my long brown hair in his face before leaving. When I make it to the elevator I jab the correct button and wait inside. I run my fingers across my suit collar and watch as the numbers tick down until I hit a floor simply labeled "S".

The elevator chimes and the squeaky clean metal doors open. I step out and take a deep breath. Before me are the huge, shining golden doors of Solomon's office. Every time I'm here it's for the same reason - insubordination. This time is sure to be no different.

I reach for the golden door handle but the doors open automatically. Solomon stands with his back to me looking at a recording of my last mission on his massive screen. The entire room is made of smooth stone and gives the impression of a large underground prison. A white marble table with glowing projections of agents and their current whereabouts acts as a centerpiece for the room.

"Sit." He orders.

A chair materializes near the end of the table and I sit. Crossing my legs, I look up at the screen.

"Do you see what I see, Agent nine?" He nods towards the screen causing his graying black hair to bounce.

I play dumb, "No, I can't say that I do, sir."

of course, I see what he sees. It's my complete and utter lack of collaboration. But I don't need help. And the fact that Solomon keeps trying to force a partner on me is frustrating in its self. I can do it on my own.

"Well, I see an agent who is good at her job. I'm not denying your skill, Erina. But I am saying that you could be better if you enlisted the help of a partner." He gestures to the screen and pauses it. "Watch this, and tell me what you see."

He presses the play button and I watch intently. Images of my previous mission go by. My own voice and actions play out before me from a first-person perspective as it was filmed via a personal camera attached to my collar.

"I've got it handled, Fifteen," I say.

Agent fifteen rushed over to me but I resisted her help. Our objective was close enough for me to get on my own. I grabbed the doohicky but triggered a trap. A swarm of bullets began to shoot out at me. I was able to avoid most of them but inevitably am struck with a bullet.

My present wound on my arm begins to sting as I see myself get shot on the screen. Solomon pauses the video.

"Well?" He asks and leans over the table.

"I-um..." I stutter. Solomon holds his hand up, demanding my silence.

"What you had to do was simple: Wait for Agent Fifteen." He slams his fist on the table, I almost jump. "Why is it so hard for you to do this? Why do you have such a hard time following orders?" His voice begins to rise, "Agent Fifteen had the body shields! If you would have been wearing it you wouldn't have been shot! What you're doing is dangerous and you're going to get yourself killed!"

"With all due respect, sir, I am a good agent, and I procured the target. Why am I being reprimanded?"

"Are you really this naive?" He asks genuinely.

Ouch, that stings.

"No, sir."

"You're being reckless, and recklessness is dangerous." Solomon shakes his head, "If you can't see that you're being reckless, maybe you need to take some time off."

I jump out of my seat, "No, I have to be in the field." I protest. "Danger is part of this job, and I know that, and I knew that when I signed up for this. My parents knew that..." I almost begin to cry but I manage to suck in my tears leaving my eyes looking glossy but otherwise dry. I continue, "I can do this. I'll prove it to you. Let me go on another mission...alone. And I'll prove I can be a lone field agent."

Solomon ponders this for a moment. "One case, that's it. Only because I admire your drive. But If you fail this mission, I'm assigning secretary Dillan to be your apprentice."

That's more than enough to keep me motivated.

"Yes, sir." I begin to walk out.

"One more thing," Solomon says. I cringe, hoping he doesn't add any more terms to our deal. "Go to the infirmary and have your wound examined."

I let out a sigh of relief, "Yes, sir."

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