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We walked in a group, casually chatting.
"I don't know why people are so scared of death." Crybaby said, shrugging.
"I agree. It's just another part of life." Angelita said with a nodded.
"Yeah. It's inevitable, so why be scared of it?" I agreed and the two of them nodded in agreement.
"You start in the womb and end in the tomb." Crybaby said as we climbed the stairs.
"That's very poetic of you, Crybaby." I said and she smiled at me. Angelita glanced around, a confused look on her face.
"Wait a second, where is everybody?" Angelita mumbled and I shrugged. We continued to ascend the stairs, a cold chill blowing across the room.
"I don't know if it's because it's just cold in here, but I'm getting kind of a creepy chill down my back." Crybaby said, quietly.
"Same..." I said, looking around with a raised brow. The three of us looked at each other with a grin.
"I love it." We all said, simultaneously. A ghostly screech came from behind us and we saw a ghost pass through the wall. We ran up the stairs, glancing back with a nervous expression.
"What even was that?" Angelita muttered, nervously.
"Scary." Crybaby replied.
"And ghostly." I added. Crybaby sighed and looked at Angelita.
"What's the room number again?" She asked.
"222." Angelita replied and we looked around the doors. We nodded and sighed.
"221." Crybaby muttered.
"223." Angelita continued.
"222." I concluded, looking at the door.
"I'll go first." I said, smiling at the two of them. Crybaby quickly hugged my arm with a smile and I stepped forward, Crybaby and then Angelita following. I pushed open both doors and strolled in, the girls shutting them behind us. Ms Daphne brushed her finger off on her cardigan and glanced at us, turning to the class with a sickening grin.
"Class!" She called one her raspy voice, catching the attention of our classmates.
"Would you like to inform Crybaby, Angelita and (Y/N) of rule they did not follow today?" She asked in a hiss, glaring that the three of us.
"When the bell rings, you must be in your assigned seats." The class droned.
"Not very peppy people, huh?" I whispered to Crybaby and she stifled a giggle.
"Are you deaf? Sit your asses down!" Ms Daphne hissed, pointing a ruler at an empty table.
"Sorry, Ms Daphne." The three of us muttered and speed walked to our seats, quickly sitting. I sat next to Crybaby as Angelita sat across from her. Almost as soon as we sat down, the loudspeaker went off with an announcement.
"All must stand for the pledge of allegiance." A male voice spoke and I rolled my eyes, standing back up.
"All rise!" Me Daphne called as everyone stood up. We put our hands over our hearts to drone the pledge of allegiance. Ms Daphne's stone cold gaze stared at something behind me and I looked back. A boy was still sitting, shaking and twitching slightly as he stared down at his desk.
"Henry! On your feet!" Ms Daphne growled. He didn't move.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag-" Everyone droned. I continued to watch Henry as I did so, making Angelita and Crybaby look back at him.
"-of the United States of America and to the Republic for where it stands." The class continued.
"I'm being generous with you, boy." Ms Daphne warned, but Henry didn't stand.
'Oh no...' I thought, worried for the poor boy's safety.
"One nation under God-"
"Last chance to stand and show some respect!" Ms Daphne snapped.
"-indivisible with liberty and justice for all." The class finished. We all sat down, the three of us still watching Henry with anticipation.
"You hear that? Justice and liberty for all?" He asked and looked at Ms Daphne.
"Oh no..." I breathed and Crybaby instinctively groped for my hand. I held it and squeezed her hand.
"Tsh. That's bullshit." Henry growled and Ms Daphne stiffened. She angrily stomped around to the other side of her desk, her heels clacking on the wooden floor. She pressed a button, two dings ringing before a set of doors at the back of the room burst open. Crybaby jumped and squeezed my hand in shock. Two men stormed in and over to Henry.
"Grab the boy. Get this one." They said, grabbing Henry by the arms and dragging him from his chair.
"Get off me!" Henry snapped.
"Quiet!" One of the men hissed.
"I didn't do anything!" Henry argued, being dragged from the room. Crybaby gulped, watching poor Henry get dragged away.
"Take him to holding." The first man said.
"Put him in the back. This is what you get." The other hissed. Ms Daphne watched with a smug grin as Henry was dragged from the classroom, the doors slamming behind the men and blocking out anymore of Henry's cries. Crybaby looked between me and Angelita, clearly terrified.
"I'll be okay." I mouthed and she sniffled, nodding and letting go of my hand. We began to write down our work, trying to forget the events just now.

I Found Someone Like You~ (K-12 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now