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"I think they went to the bathroom. Come on, let's find out." I said, taking her hand. We quietly entered the bathroom and slipped into a stall together.

Oh, oh, stick it down your throat
I'm watching from the bathroom
Making sure I don't choke, choke
From the words you spoke
When you're screaming at the mirror
Now you're sitting in the cafeteria
Shoving clementines and orange bacteria
Down your throat a dozen times a year, yeah
For another 'round of your bulimia

(We pressed our ears to the divider and grimaced as we heard the girl throw up. I peered out and saw Kelly leave, glaring daggers into her back. The girl came out and looked in the mirror, letting out a short scream and the mirror cracked. She leaned against the wall beside the sink, sobbing and pulling off the blonde wig on her head.)

You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice

Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ

Oh, oh, I believe you chose
to blow it on the reading carpet
That's what happens when you're starvin'
Please say that you won't continue
Ordering oranges off the menu
Stuffin' up your mouth like t-t-tissue
The way you look is not an issue

You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice

Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ

(I took Crybaby's hand and we stepped out of the cubicle. She saw us and stood up.
"Go on." I said to Crybaby, softly smiling.)

Ooh, I wish I could give you my set of eyes
'Cause I know your eyes ain't working, mmm
I wish I could tell you that you're fine, so fine
But you will find that disconcerting

(They took out their eyes, Crybaby placing her's in the girl's eye sockets before taking the girl's eyes and putting them in her own.)

You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice

Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ

"Wanna know something I've learned about bodies?" Crybaby asked, bring the girl to an unbroken mirror. I followed and took my girlfriend's hand with a smile.
"They don't define us. We aren't our bodies. They're just temporary." Crybaby said, smiling.
"I know it seems impossible but, try not to expect shallow people to love you. They don't even have the capacity to understand how amazing you are. We all have to learn to love ourselves without the approval of others." I said, smiling at her. Crybaby squeezed my arm with a smile and looked back at the girl.
"I know. It's just extremely overwhelming when everyone around you is making you feel like you aren't good enough. As if you're not deserving the same kind of love if you're different." The girl said and I nodded.
"Everyone is deserving of love. Everyone." Crybaby said, smiling at the girl. Crybaby let go of my hand to comfort the girl and I smiled.

I Found Someone Like You~ (K-12 fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now