Chapter 14

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Dan's P.O.V

I hardened my gaze on Spectra as he threw in Drago. This was it. I had to win.

Drago rose from the flames and let out a roar. Instead of his red body, he was a black dragon and you could not see his eyes. It looked like he was struggling.

"Drago!" I called out horrified.

"Horrible, that's Drago?" Runo said shocked and Julie chimed in.

"That's not the Drago I know."

"People can change, can't they Mira?" Storm asked Mira and Mira looks at Storm.

Apollonir was holding his own, but Drago wasn't giving in.

Drago charged Apollonir and the two crashed into a warehouse and Storm frowned.

"My dinner! You really had to crush it?"

I look at her strangely. For a Vexos, she seemed pretty crushed about that sandwich.

"Don't worry, I'll have Gus get you a new one," Spectra tells her briefly.

"It won't be the same," she muttered and I exchange looks with the rest of the brawlers.

Was something going on between the two? I didn't think Vexos were capable of emotions.

When Drago charged, the rest of us hurried out of the way. I was the last to move and felt a little power rub off on me.

"Drago! Stop, listen to me! It's me Dan, your partner!" I called out pleading.

Instead Drago swung his tail towards me.

"Incredible, even Drago could not resist the powers of the Vexos," Apollonir said astounded.

"It doesn't matter!" I blinked hard, "Drago's still Drago. No matter what happens we'll always be connected, I know it. I won't give up!"

I jumped back to avoid getting hit by Drago.

"Master Dan, watch out!" Baron warned and I looked onward.

Drago faced us and let out a cry.

"Drago attacked me?" I say shocked.

He never would attack me. This just proved how much he needed my help.

"Bakugan are no more than animals. I am Drago's master now. He is under my complete control. Talk all you want, but he can't hear you anymore."

He then laughed darkly.

"Yeah," I yelled not backing down, "That's what you think. Come on Spectra go ahead. Laugh it up. I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face! And after, I'm going to change Drago back into himself, you hear me?"

"That is a promise," Apollonir agreed standing up.

"Pathetic Earthling, you're welcome to try, but you and that fossil bakugan don't stand a chance against the perfect core combined with the forbidden ability card. Chaos Ability X."

He then threw the card towards Drago, "Ability Activate! Dianos Cocos X!"

The card emitted purple rays of power and it covered Drago. The result, Drago gained power and let out a roar.

"Ability Activate! Maximum Nova!" I called and Apollonir unleashed his attack.

Drago: 700 G's

Apollonir: 500 + 200 = 700 G's

"Nice try, but my move isn't finished yet. Have you forgotten what this ability card does? It pushes bakugan past their limits, to the extreme. Of course, they pay a price for infinite power."

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