...Isn't Right

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Your POV:

I make my way to school...that's right by walking.

I never walk to school but oh well.

Maybe I did something...maybe I hurt my mom indirectly somehow.

I'll just have to ask her when I get home.

I enter through the double doors of the school.

I spot Cake and Nanmiki at her locker.

I wave and walk over to them.

For some reason, I kind of miss them.

I feel like we haven't talked in a while, even though we probably did talk yesterday.

Just for some reason my memory is bad and I don't remember yesterday.

They look at me in digust.


I get closer and Nanmiki slams her locker and stomps off.

"Wait Miki!!!" I run after her.

Cake stops me.


"Don't what? I have to get to her!" I try walking around him.

"You hurt her and you hurt me."

"I did what?" I was so confused.

"Don't act stupid. You know what you did."

"I really don't." I don't know what else to say.

"Just don't bother us or even come near us again. Remember, we're just sick weirdos with no life." Cake walks off.

I gasp.

They hate being called weirdos.

We've established that.

But why would I ever say that to them.

I never did...

Or did I?


In complete confusion like never before, I head to my next class.

The bell rings.

"What?" I scream. "Crap, crap crap. I don't even remember where to go..."


Wait this room, I remember this room.

I enter.

"Y/N, you're 5th period. Not 2nd period." The teacher seems disappointed.

I walk out embarrassed.

"OmG right. I have..I have..." I bang on my head. What do I have right now???

"Hey cupcake." 

I turn around.

No one ever talks to me like that. 

I look up at random stranger.

I look behind me to see an empty hall.

He must be talking to me?

"And you are...?" I ask questioned.

"Don't play with me. You know me." He smiled ever so pervertedly.

I didn't like this.

"Well I have to go so.." I turn around.

He whips me around and pressed me against him.

"Is this what we're doing now? Roleplaying? Cuz you're making me..."

"SECURITY!!!!!" I scream and he gets so scared he falls to the floor.

I run in the opposite direction and go as far as I possibly can.


I  find my way to the nurse's office.

It's funny how I was so busy I never noticed my headache.

I lie down and the nurses puts a warm wet towel on my forehead.

It feels nice.

I slowly close my eyes and drift off asleep.

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