Chapter 1 Monday Mornings

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"Carley! It's time to get up!!" ,"Yelled my mom; from down stairs. "Uggh." "I groaned." As I rolled out of bed onto the floor I kept thinking "Why oh why  do Mondays exist." "Hey C you better get up mom is pissed this morning." "Stated my little sister Camryn." I hated Mondays for that specific reason. Mom is always mad on Monday mornings. It's nothing new. As I picked myself up off the floor I looked in the mirror at my hair which looked like a tornado had been through it. I hurried and combed it out, washed my face and ran down stairs. Dad was just walking in. "Good morning beautiful family!""he elated" as he sat down for breakfast. Dad wasn't like anyone else in the family he was always happy on Mondays. "Ronnie how many times do I have to tell your gay happy acting ass to go get Ryan up," "yelled mom." "You know one day you're going to get messed up you hear me stop fucking yelling every morning!" "Yelled Ronnie." Mom tries to ruin everybody's morning so I try to stay out of her way. I got up to go up stairs when mom yells. "Go put your fucking clothes on." I didn't say anything because dad would have smacked me into the stairs. I went up stairs and put on my jean jacket, dark blue Levi jeans, pink polo shirt, and my timberland boots. Then brushed my teeth and dropped off Camryn and Ryan, an off to school I went.

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