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Author's POV

The couple was done packing their things then they heard the doorbell ring...

The two went downstairs then opened the door...

JK: Hyung? What are you doing here?

TH: What are you doing here?

LS: We came here to tell Jennie unnie something...

JN: We?

Then the two nodded then they all want to the living room and sat down on the couch...

LS: Unnie, I'm going somewhere for a week so I might not go with yo-

JN: Are you going on tour with them?

LS: How-

JN: I don't know...wild guess...

Taehyung smiled at Jennie then looked at the two...

JK: Wait- hyung, did you-

TH: Ask Jennie to go with us on tour? Yes, I did...

LS: Unnie- you-

JN: Yeah...I agreed...

Then Lisa and Jungkook just stared at them blankly and then they all chuckled together...

JN: Have you guys packed now?

LS: Yeah...I also told Chae unnie and Jisoo unnie that we're going...they just said that they'll have a vacation...

JN: Arasseo...

Time skip...(Friday afternoon)

Jennie, Taehyung, Lisa and Jungkook were in the airport waiting for their manager and the others to arrive...they were all wearing masks so they wont be suspicious...even Jennie and Lisa wore masks...

TH: Are you excited?

He asked Jennie hugging herself since it was so cold...

JN: Yes but I feel cold..

She pouted then....

TH: Sit here...

He said as he tapped on his lap then she quickly obeyed...

She sat on his lap then he hugged her small body then they both could feel the warmth that each other was giving...

JK: Yah Hyung! We're in public...

TH: No one can recognize me if I do this...

He said as he hugged Jennie tighter...

NJ: Oh! You guys are here too...

HS: It's nice that you brought your girlfriends on tour with us...Jimin and Jin hyung's girlfriends said that they're going to have a vacation...

JN: Vacation?

HS: Yup. That's what they said...

TH: What's their names?

JK: Is it Park Chaeyoung and-

LS: Kim Jisoo?

JM: You know them?

LS: They're our friends...

SJ: Oh- how come they didn't want to go with us tho?

He questioned and then the both of them pouted...

JN: They just wanted a vacation...

Then their flight has been called then they did the stuff they had to do and then boarded the plane...

And because they're famous and stuff, they were at the 1st class where not that much people go to and they were lucky they were the only ones in first class...

To be continued...

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