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Jin and Jisoo arrive in Jennie's house... They go to the garden and start to plan... (they have a big backyard)

Since Jennie and Taehyung were going to get married, Taehyung was thinking of buying them a new house not far from the group...but he's going to buy it after the engagement party...

Since Taehyung's parents are in Daegu and Jennie's parents are in abroad, they just decided to video chat the two families...

They video chatted before the party so that in the party they could just let lose and not having parents pinching their butts... (not literally)

"And~ a table there..." Jisoo said as she pointed out the last place to put a table in... Jimin, Chaeyoung, and Yoongi went to go buy the table cloths and other decorations, while Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook and Lisa went to get the cake and call their other friends...

They would've invite the other KPOP groups but since the thing was going on with Kai and Irene and stuff, they just invited groups from BigHit like TXT and SEVENTEEN...


Their backyard got packed really quickly as more of the SEVENTEEN members came into the party.. (cuz their thirteen of them... Yup)

Jennie and Taehyung started to greet their guests and sat them down on the tables...

The others decided to invite people that Taehyung didn't know who was coming... Jennie also knew that they were coming and she was so excited to meet them...


"E-Eomma....Appa" Taehyung stated with a shocked face as he saw his family come in...

He hugged his parents and hugged his little siblings... He missed them so much cuz never got to go back to Daegu...

"And you must be Jennie" Taehyung's mom stated as they walked up to the blushing girl behind Taehyung....

"Anneyeonghaseyo eomonie..." she shyly stated as the older lady brushed her hair and tucked it behind her ear...

"Taehyung must be very~ lucky to have you... You look so stunning" she complimented and Jennie smiled... "Kamsahamnida" she smiled...


Taehyung was with Jennie playing around with his little sibilings... Taehyung didn't even expect his Hwarang hyungs to be here...

Seojoon and Hyungsik were talking to his members and they looked like they were getting along... Jihan, Minho, and Yoonwoo was walking around and talking amongst themselves...

It was one of the best day ever of Taehyung and Jennie's life...


Srry for the short chapter... And also I wanted to update now bc i don't think i can update tomorrow morning...

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