Chapter 1

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  The lines into clubs are never the best part, yet they know how to get you pumped and excited for what to look forward to inside. The weather was actually perfect for our plans to celebrate my 19th birthday. I kept my fake in my hand, nervous because I barely liked to use it.

"Come on Ana, don't worry about it too much if you think about it it'll just make you sick, just show it to them and move on," Melissa whispered into my ear.
"I know but it's only right to worry okay? And sometimes this really freaks me out to do even when buys alcohol", I replied.
"Oh hush Anny you act like you aren't the one in our group who can drink alcohol like an old sailor", replied Asia. I laughed in response.
"Let's just have lots of fun tonight and celebrate your birthday!", Melissa stayed.

  She was right, but not only were we celebrating my birthday, we were also celebrating my art getting displayed in an art gallery. Art had been my passion since I was little when I still colored outside the lines. Moving to Chicago was the best thing I have done for myself and bringing Asia and meeting Melissa had been the best times of my life. Getting my art displayed in an art gallery was a step closer to my goal and I was so happy about it happening, I could barely contain myself when I found out.
   As we started to get closer to the front I pumped myself up to get ready to show the bouncer my ID. Tonight I was sporting a short skirt and a crop top, it was more my speed considering I don't really get dressed up. Melissa and Asia looked amazing (as always), they were very confident about their looks and knew exactly how to show them off. I didn't even dress myself tonight because they did because I rarely went out, always locking myself in a studio creating art.

  As we neared the front I hooked my arms in Asia and Melissas because I didn't want to get split up from them. They checked our IDs and waved us in, the pulse from the music got louder. The music at The Room had always been up to par, even though I rarely came here in the first place I heard the stories about the DJ being the best in town which is exactly why we came here in the first place .
  As we entered the main area I could see a lot of people on the dance floor and a lot more at the bar shouting drink orders to the bartender. We found a table to sit at on the outskirts of the dance floor and established it as a meeting ground just in case someone got split up from the rest of us.

  Asia shouted over the music, "What kind of drinks do you guys want? I got the first round!"
  Melissa shouted a reply, "I'm not sure honestly! Just surprise us!" I nodded in agreement.

  I moved my body to the best of the music and did silly dance moves to get a reaction out of Melissa but she just laughed and shook her head at me. Asia came back with 6 shots total, two shots for both of us to start. She called them Suckerpunch shots.

  Melissa shouted, "Cheers to the birthday girl and her successful future along with our friendship that's meant to last forever!"
  We cheered to her and took our shots, then reached for the second and also took it. Asia started dancing around our table and wanted us to join. I am actually a very bad dancer but seeing my friends having fun made me want to dance too. Before I joined them on the dance floor I needed to get another two shots for liquor courage.

  I made it to the bar and ordered two more sucker-punches. As I paid and grabbed the shots I set myself up to take them. As I downed the last shot I started having the feeling of being watched. I couldn't shake the feeling but I tried my best to ignore it. I ordered one last shot, a new flavor, and downed it. I was a pretty lucky girl because I knew my tolerance was really good when it came to liquor. I gathered my wits and turned around to face the dance floor.

  As I looked out at the club to find my friends my eyes connected with silver eyes. They were on a man with a beautifully sculpted face. His eyes almost had me in a trance because of the color. I was not sure if he was looking at me so I looked around me to see who he was staring at. As I finished looking around and couldn't find who it was I faced back to him and saw him smirking at me.

  I was super alarmed and confused but the trance was broken with Asia and Melissa calling me to the dance floor. I danced over to them and obviously started to make a fool of myself and even did the sprinkler just to crack jokes. When I started searching for the silver eyed man he was not in the same spot he was at when i caught him staring.

  That's when I felt a presence right behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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