•{Ichihoshi Hikaru}•

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Me: We have a request! You're up Hikaru-kun.

Hikaru: M-me? *fidgets with his fingers*

Me: Yes you! Now go and do your best *smiles*

Kirina: You're not being hyper?

Me: Let's just say that my Hypermeter had gone low. Thanks to a certain someone *glares at Ichirouta* . . . Anyways, Hikaru-kun!

Hikaru: This is requested by EmeraldSpringLapin. Hope that you'll like it!

OC: Awanami Iruka


A certain baby blue haired female stood in front of the entrance/exit gates of the airport. She fidgeted with her own fingers, as her anxiousness and excitement mixed in her veins. Finally, the day in where her brother's and his colleague's return had now arrived. The FFI had come to it's end, with Inazuma Japan as the victors, and Iruka couldn't help it but to rush to the airport in order to greet Asuto, and his teammates.

Her sherbet orbs travelled from left to right and vice versa. Apparently, she just couldn't sit still. Hours seemed to pass for her, when suddenly a mob of people started to rush over a certain area. Due to her confusement, Iruka decided to peek, only for her eyes to shimmer more when she noticed the group of young teens, wearing the infamous tracksuit of Inazuma Japan. Yes! They have arrived.

Iruka couldn't contain her excitement anymore, as she dashed towards the group. Asuto was the one in front, so it wasn't that hard for her to tackle him in a hug. Luckily, she was small enough to get pass through the mob of people, who never cared at all.

"Asuto!", She exclaimed, while flinging her arms around her brother, who almost fell. It was a good thing that Haizaki managed to push him back, or else both Iruka and Asuto would've fall on the ground. The team was surprised at the sudden interaction between Iruka and Asuto. Then again, only a few of them knew who this bluenette is, namely Hiura Kirina, Umihara Norika, Mansaku Yuuichirou, Iwato Takashi, and Goujin Tetsunosuke. Heck! Even Kozoumaru Sasuke and Kira Fuyuko who both came from Raimon had no idea who Iruka is.

"It's so nice to see you again! I've watched all your plays on TV! All of you were amazing!", Iruka continued, making Asuto chuckle. Ah, how he missed this sister of his.

"So you've come from Inakuni to Tokyo just to see us, Iruka-chan?", Hiura asked, earning a nod of agreement from the bluenette. It was half the truth and half a lie. Fortunately, the chairman of Raimon Jr. High, had given her an opportunity to study in the said 'champion school'. The offer was given when Asuto is overseas, fighting for Japan's pride. That's why the lad was yet clueless about the matter.

"It's a yes and a no at the same time. Actually! Raimon-sensei had given me an opportunity to study in Raimon Jr. High, and it was already months ago. So . . . basically I've been living here in Tokyo for the past months already", Iruka grinned.

"Really?! That's great!", Asuto exclaimed.

The rest of the team who had no idea who Iruka is stood behind while watching the three interact. Soon enough, Norika and Mansaku came to join the small group, as they talked and talked about Kami knows what. Unfortunately, this made a certain striker irritated. Thus, he snapped within a second.

"Cut with that will ya? We're in the middle of the path!", Hiroto exclaimed, to which earned him a nudge from Kiyama and his younger sister Fuyuko. This caught the attention of Iruka. At first she just stared at him for minutes, before finally realizing that they were still in the middle of the path. With a sheepish smile, she bowed down. Clearly showing how sorry she is.

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