•{Fudou Akio} ARES!•

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:The next request is from _mitsueries_ and her dear sister. They happen to request three one-shots, so I'll just do the all the introduction here.

Their requests: Fudou Akio x Reader
Ishido Shuuji x Reader
Kazemaru Ichirouta x Reader

I think that's all. . . Please do enjoy. Also, I'll add that the characters might be OOC. And I'm sorry for that.


{Full Name} scoffed at the male before her eyes. It was like any other day in Teikoku Gakuen, and by that- I mean- the usual scenario of {Name} and Teikoku's 'lone rebel'- Fudou Akio- had yet unfold again.

Both never really went along with each other, which is already expected; due to the fact that, {Name} is a tsundere, and Fudou is well-a bit more than what actually a tsundere is. For short, he's a complete asshole to her and towards the team.

However, despite his 'troublesome' characteristics-as what Sakuma says- Fudou is a well asset to the team. Yes, they get annoyed by him, but no one would really want him to leave the team. All except for {Name}.

The lassie disliked him even at first glance. She somehow knew that the name Fudou Akio held mischief, which she never failed to guess. She was 'supposed' to be okay with him, but when Fudou insulted her, it immediately turned the other way around. She hate him, and will hate him more.

Now, it leads us to their situation. {Name} was just talking to Kazemaru Ichirouta- a reinforcement member from Raimon- when suddenly a ball was slammed on her back. Her conversation with the teal haired male was cut abruptly, which made her really angry.
Who wouldn't? That hit hurt her back!

"What the hell is that for?!", {Name} exclaimed, as she realized that the culprit is Fudou Akio himself. On top of that, she actually already knew that it was Fudou. The monkey ass forward of Teikoku.

"Oops~ my bad. Did it hit you? I was actually aiming for the goalpost", Fudou stated, with his usual sing sang voice. This made her blood boil, and for once; she just wanted to snap some senses in him.

She scowled afterwards, before proceeding to march towards the mohawk haired lad. However, her steps were cut when Kazemaru pulled her by arm, giving her that infamous command from his eyes. Both him and her had a faint briefing with their thoughts, and to Fudou's dismay, {Name} completely calmed down.

The brunette scowled before walking away, completely leaving the two 'lovebirds' alone. Yes, you heard it right. Fudou received his broken heart a month ago, where everything turned dire.

He actually liked {Name} very much, and was afraid of showing it to her. However, he did tried to tell her thru actions, but it seems like he had made her dislike him even more. When Kazemaru arrived to reinforce Teikoku, Fudou somewhat sensed that he'll be a hindrance for him and the {hair color}-nette, and he had proven it . . .just a month ago.

It was actually a surprise for the team, since they believed that Fudou and {Name} would be a possible couple. But, it seems like Eros aimed for another lad to be with the {eye color} eyed maiden, and it was Kazemaru whom the heavens had chosen.

'Life must go on', or so they say. Even if {Name} os completely in the arms of another, all Fudou could wish is for her to be happy. He watched her from a distance, and boy had he felt his heart skip a beat.

She was truly a carbon of a goddess.

With a minute and three, he just stared at her. He took this as a time to scan her features once again. From her {hair length} {hair color} strands; to her shimmering {eye color} eyes; to her small nose; and lastly, her cherry lips- which he couldn't capture along with her heart.

He continued to watch them converse from a far, and when {Name} gave her infamous alluring smile, Fudou left. He is satisfied. Deeply satisfied that someone can make her smile so bright like that.

How he wished her to be in his arms . . .

How he wished her eyes to look at him with such fondness. . .

How he wished for her to be his. . .

How he wished. . . That's were he stood.

"Fudou", Sakuma's voice rang in his ears, which made him alarmed, but it soon died down when he felt a hand on his right shoulder.

"Tch, I'll just head on to the locker room", was his reply, before walking pass the cyan haired captain of the team.

It was like any other day in Teikoku, or so he thought. It wasn't like history, in where practice is spent with {Name} arguing with the lone rebel. Now? Those fiascos were all in the past. A lot has changed, and that includes {Name}'s relationship with Fudou. Even tho it wouldn't be really called friendship, Fudou still kept it dear.

Now it was all her and Kazemaru. But there is this one thing that doesn't change tho, and it is the fact that after all these days, he loves her still.


Me: I feel bad for Fudou. Don't worry tho! It will be alright

Fudou: Tch, and how do you know that it'll be just 'alright'?

Me: I was kinda in your shoes before. . .
Anyways, please do the honors

Fudou: Tch! Fine. . . IE and the readers aren't owned by Fuyuko-san. However, she does owned the plot and her OC. Thank you

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